1. On a scale of one to ten, one being the lowest, how do you rate the importance of trust in your relationship? 10
2. One to ten, intimacy? 10
3. One to ten, honesty? 10
4. Does your partner trust you? Why? Fully. Until I began to fade. Fear of the unknown is my best guess. I've spent several years of my fade rebuilding trust, actually just proving that WTS didn't make me a good person.
5. Do you trust your partner? Why? Yes. She has shown me many many times that she is an honest trustworthy individual.
6. What does it take for your trust to rebuild? Is it time? Certain actions of your partner? Time.
7. For you, what is the ultimate trust-breaker? That is, if your partner betrayed you on this, you could not rebuild your trust? Falling in love with someone else. I could forgive a sexual encounter, as long as love wasn't involved. It may sound odd and be quite different from many others. I wouldn't like it if my spouse had sex with someone else, I'd hate it. But, I could, under the proper circumstances forgive it. Falling in love with someone means that another individual was meeting her most basic and intimate needs. I couldn't stomach that.
8. Has your partner ever told you that you must adjust your attitude and forgive them? No.
9. Has your partner ever diminished your feelings of betrayal, for example, saying it's not such a big deal? No.
10. Anything else to add? (My favorite question) Fading sucks! Imagine how hard it is to value trust as super duper important and yet have to be sneaky about the truth. It is so unfomfortable not being completely open and honest with my spouse. She deserves to know exactly how I feel and exactly what I think. But, in order to keep my marriage healthy in the long run I must be sneaky. I resent the WTS creating the necessity for me to do this. I just want to be accepted for who and what I am.