who thought of the idea that the earth will eventually be a paradise.
by lime05 12 Replies latest jw friends
comes from a literal interpretation of scriptures like when Jebus told that dude when they were up on the X that "you will be with me in paradise", or, "the meek shall inherit the earth".
I assume it must've been Russell, or one of the early scripture benders? I'm assuming that the jdubs are the only org that "holds out hope" for an "earthly paradise"? What about the Latter Day's, I've a feeling they may have a similar take, but would have to look it up, and they came on the scene first did they not?
so was the idea of paradise created entirly by the human imagination just to hook people to the jehovahs witness cult.
I think most practicing dubs get off on the idea of their unique take on doctrine. I'm no theologian, but if I were convinced that bible was accurate and had practicle and current application, I would have to say that it's a fine line between interpreting the written word as heavenly or earthly paradise. To me it makes little difference, since I believe not in either. Paradise is now, and here. To me to believe otherwise is just a creative (and harmful) way of dealing with those things in this life of over which we have little control, it's about reducing anxiety, and wanting to believe that there is ultimate justice for those that do wrong. It also helps back up human chauvanist thinking, thinking that proports that humans are the ultimate purpose of the universe, and all that we have here was put here for us, not rather that all the trillions of living things on this earth each make meaning in their own unique way.
good analysis. the idea of a paradise and a perfect world is pure fantasy in my view. when humans are born they go through an ageing process from birth to adulthood. as humans wouldnt be just mere mortals as we are now, the ageing process couldnt happen therefore children in paradise would never become adults.
Sam the Man
Also, they always point to the scriptures in Isaiah which speak of the Lion with the lamb and similar fairy tales.
C.I Schofield and his added footnotes have caused some confusion.
I Like what J.C.Ryle wrote about the True Church http://www.biblebb.com/ryle.htm
Papias founded his doctrine on the wishful hopes of Judaism,such products od Jewish imagination spilled over into Christianity.(Titus 1:14) Paul warns not to give heed to Jewish fables.
Darth Yhwh
You are correct Frog. The LDS also share the belief of an eternal life on paradise earth for a certain class of believers. Similar to JWs. I had a couple of LDS elders stop by my door a few months ago and asked them a bunch of questions. Sorry, I cant remember all the details though.
"One holy action maketh the world of earth highest paradise."
(Abdu'l-Baha, A Traveller's Narrative, p. 45)