I know some former Witnesses away from the board and when we have talked, we have commented on how we still see people put elders in this category, even after the exit. What do I mean? Once in a discussion with someone who used to be an elder, the person who used to be an elder did something kind of harsh in their comments. The person in the group stated, "there is no way someone like you would have ever been an elder." Interesting, isn't it. Why wouldn't someone who would do something harsh, have been an elder? Are elders still seen as perfect kind men who should be respected? I have even read comments on this board that show some people still hold them in a place that is not fitting, an almost hidden respect that we might want to examine in ourselves. Elders are men who are placed into power by a organization, and not God. They did not receive God's Spirit when they gave talks, they did not have angels with them when they shepherded your family. You let a man in your house who was assigned power by an organization. No different then talking to the manager at your local fast food restaurant, in that they are both just people doing a job assigned to them and not something guided by God. If you are among those who still see elders, those old men you knew for decades and worked with, as anything other then just a man. Then wake up!!!!!!! Elders are men who have hidden lives, emotional issues, anger management issues, power issues, and insecurity issues. Like everyone else, and in some cases worse, as they do think they are doing it all for Jehovah. I actually know one former elder who admitted to masturbating after talking to sisters about their sex life, ever wonder why they wanted so much detail?
Elders, perfect kind men who should be respected.
by free2beme 29 Replies latest jw friends
Yeah I agree. I look down on elders. If I find I am faced with an elder I immediately distrust them. I have no respect for them what so ever - doesnt mean I would be rude or nasty, I would mostlikely walk away.
JW elders are competitive dog eat dog scum that floats to the top.In the worldly work sector i worked with a true band of men and woman who cared and looked out for each other.I would rate them 90% genuine humanitarians and 10% sociopath.In the Watchtower world it's 60% psychopath.
I was never a MS or Elder because i would not kiss ass.
Why Georgia
I agree with Mrs. Jones completely. Once I hear someone is or even was an elder...I don't respect them at all.
It means they are trained to weasel out information, set traps and wreak havoc...I don't want them near me at all.
I have only met 2 very nice and sincere elders...and if they weren't from long lines of JW's they probably would have never made it to the position they are in...
WG - of the love to yell at Elders and feed their balls to my dog class!
I've known elders who I greatly respected, and still do, I've also known elders who were jagoffs. The last elder who used to study with me was a younger man, who was the only elder to ever really teach me anything about scripture, as opposed to the ones who only preached me into paradise or Armageddon, depending on my outlook or personality shift at the time.
People are only people, such is true, whether you be an elder, the next reigning Pope, the President of the United States, or the homeless person living in a cardboard box. There are those who are just plain @$$holes, they cover every geographic location, they come in every profession, they are your neighbors, they are your local police and firefighters, they're your doctors and lawyers. There are those who are high position who are incredibly dark natured, that includes all manners of people in religious institutions.
I can't blame, intirely, the organisation when it comes down to those on the inside who do really screwed up stuff, I do however blame human nature, and the fact that I was one who would, also, not hold myself down to the principles and traditions of teachings while I was on the inside looking out.
The job of being an elder in the congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses has to be a very trying position as you are faced with an enormous group of people who are often very disturbed. They have massive problems in their lives that they're trying to deal with and many of those they serve are just troubled individuals. I was one of them who frequently called on the elders when I felt myself beginig to fall. I understand to a degree how difficult and complex there life can be, when they have the needs of so many people to attend to. I imagine that they must go thru periods of burnout as well as trying to manage, to the best of their ability, the things that pertain to their own personal lives as well as the runing of the Hall.
I am no Watchtower Apologist, as some may think, I'm just trying to give a different perspective to the challenges that many of these men, and they are first, only men , must face in their own individual lives. Yes the corporation is fraught with all kinds of problems that, however is just the nature of the beast. We all have suffered under, I'm sure, all manner of intollerable assholes in our lives, but just as their are good cops and bad cops, just as their are good soldiers who go into service for the honor of thier country and believe in the cause for which they sacrifice thier souls, there are those who are in it for the wrong reason and who are seeking out there own self interest. Much like most of life. Elders as human beings first, are not much different.
Perfect men? Bull S#!t.
Lets have a background of the elders in my congo...:
Brother #@#@!#--had one daughter disfellowshipped (reinstated now, but inactive), one who is "in the world" and one who is baptized but is so full of herself i feel like vomiting when i see the turd. Will only talk to you if he needs something.
Brother ##@#$@@@#-- One son who was judicially reproved twice, one daughter disfellowshipped, another daughter who was judicially reproved twice (at the same meeting as the son, i dont even want to know). And one son who is such a bastard, i've had to restrain myself from a physical confrontation. SEVERELY depressed, Bookstudy, Theocratic ministry school taken from him. Let out his problems at a TELEPHONE witnessing session in front of about 6 sisters. Left about a month ago.
Brother #*##(#- One daughter who DA'd herself at the age of 16, tried to take me along with her, but i wasnt ready (still isnt). SHort temper.
Brother *@#(@-- Prosiding Overseer, pretty scott clear except for the fact he can be quite sarcastic to the point of angering person he is talking to. -
I've known a couple of elders who were decent men. One eventually burnt out, and the other is no longer a JW and he posts on this board. For the most part, I consider elders the lowest of the low. They are elders because they know how to play the game - they kiss the asses above them while shitting on the people beneath them. They are, for the most part, stupid, uneducated little men who could never hold a position of authority in the real world, so they abuse the little authority they have in their foolish cult.
Re: Elders, perfect kind men who should be respected.
LOL!!!! {slaps knee silly} Surely you jest. Surely.
The morbid humor I see in it is that once you research, study and read until your eyes pop out, and you begin to see how twisted their doctrines and policies are, which are based on incredibly twisted reading and interpreting of the scriptures, that looking at elders as perfect is ignorant.I won't even waste more text on the respect aspect. LOLOLOLOL!!!
Respect for WHAT? CONTINUALLY deceiving and endorsing lethal policies and financial fraud.
Okay, I said I won't waste text.
LOL!!!! {slaps knee silly} Surely you jest. Surely.
You did read past my title, right?