by juni 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • juni

    Heh Prophecor,

    You are right - baby boomers do encompass '45-' 60. I was born in '49. I've got 10+ yrs. on ya and stuff changes fast. You no doubt had things as a kid that I never dreamed of. I see things in antique stores that I had or was used when I was growing up. I.E. My daughter didn't know what a hand potato masher looked like. Hair blowers, curling irons? NONE. You make very good points.

    Also. the Mustang! Isn't that something? I drive a ' 95 Mustang convertible, 5 speed. She's my baby. So reliable. Last of the 5.0 engines! Thanks for the pics. juni

  • Mulan

    Jello................I was talking to my daughter in law last week, about a recipe my grandmother used to make at Thanksgiving. She used unflavored gelatin, flavored with lemon juice, until Jello came on the market. My DIL seemed surprised that jello wasn't always there. My parents bought a television in 1953. There was one channel (NBC) in our area. Most of the day it was just a test pattern. Shows were on for only a couple of hours each day, as I recall. The one I rremember for sure was "Rocky Jones, Space Ranger" (or maybe it was Space Cadet) I remember very well when ABC came on television in Seattle. KOMO, a big deal back then..............mid 50's. Pretty soon we had Wyatt Earp, Range Rider, Sky King (Saturday mornings), Wild Bill Hickok, and the big one...............Gunsmoke.

  • juni

    Heh Balsam!

    Very true about AIDS. Remember bad girls=sluts, skags bad boys=hoods (atleast in the Midwest). I do remember cruising and hanging out of the windows yelling at the sailors on leave. We had diners where you could go and order Coke and fries or just a Coke and stay there all night w/o getting kicked out. Also, table juke boxes and the full size kind too. Cig. machines .35 pack. Yep and the music - Jefferson Airplane (Grace Slick). The Stones. Aretha R E S P E C T. When a Man Loves a Woman (the original, not M. Bolton). Etc. Thanks for the memories. juni :)

  • Elsewhere

    Here is a little jewel some of you Baby Boomers might recall....

    If you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things… .all evidence in fulfillment of Bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years… as a young person you will never fulfill any career that this system offers. If you are in high school and thinking about a college education, it means at least four, perhaps even six or eight more years to graduate into a specialized career. But where will this system of things be by that time? It will be well on the way toward its finish, if not actually gone! -- Awake, 5/22/1969, pg15
  • Mulan
    If you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things… .all evidence in fulfillment of Bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years… as a young person you will never fulfill any career that this system offers. If you are in high school and thinking about a college education, it means at least four, perhaps even six or eight more years to graduate into a specialized career. But where will this system of things be by that time? It will be well on the way toward its finish, if not actually gone! -- Awake, 5/22/1969, pg15

    Wow, I was almost I'm 60. I guess I'm not old, eh? I remember that one too.

  • Elsewhere

    hehe... yup! According to the Awake! you are still a spring chick!

    Who says everything the WTS teaches is bad?

  • juni

    Again Prophecor - Disco? Love the BEEGEES, but hated diso per se. Had the hiphugger bellbottoms and minis. Do you know the new name for the hiphugger pants the girls wear now? Muffin pants. Take notice. The girls' waist lines bulge out and look like a muffin top. I will say something here though. Maybe not all of you will agree, but we were satisfied with a lot less than our kids' generation. Our kids have far more materially than we did. I still haven't caught up!! So each generation has their own downfall if you want to call it that. We just keep on botchin up.

  • juni

    Dearest FlyingHighNow,

    I still remember we both want to be birds in our next lifetime! hee hee hee

    I was a mom at 19 in 1968. Our son was born that year. I do remember the prices as you said. TRUTH book was .25. Paid for it in pennies. Yeah and double feature movies!! And balcony seats. Skate keys worn on string around your neck. Transistor radios (my bro got one for Christmas), Davey Jones and the Monkees, yep. The British invasion of music. True penny candy. Diaries. Simple stuff to keep ya happy!

    Thanks for the memories. juni (bird)

  • juni

    Dearest Mulan,

    Thanks again for your comforting words to me because of our Coach's passing.

    Yep, my grandmother also used gelatin and flavoring to make her own "jello". Don't remember Rocky Jones, Space Ranger. We're the space cadets remember? Leaky brain cells and all! hee hee Definitely remember Gunsmoke. And Wagon Train, Have Gun-Will Travel, Maverick. Oh yeah. Sky King and his niece Penny. Loved her ponytail! Zorro? Lone Ranger and Tonto? (key mo sobbie) Could go on and on. Thanks for your memories. juni :)

  • juni

    Hi elsewhere!

    I bought the Truth book in ' 68, but didn't start studying until ' 70 and then baptized in ' 71. I took no other literature during that time as I was busy w/my baby. Wasn't aware of their feelings about college then. Thanks for your post. juni :)

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