Those people who don't celebrate holidays.
What's the first thought that comes to mind when wordly people think of JWs
by JH 39 Replies latest jw friends
Christian fundamentalists in a rush to obtain a membership to heaven.
Most people I know, know very little. Most people I know do not consider them Christians, they think jw's don't believe in Jesus. Some know about the holidays, no flag salute, and maybe the blood issue. Some say, 'aren't they a cult?'. Most are just annoyed by them knocking on their doors. Can you believe some came to MY house yesterday!!!!! Too bad my jw was home! I would have filled them in a few things. He was elsewhere and didn't know they even were here! Time to resend my cease & desist letter I guess. My year must be up.
Before I came to this site there were 3 things that came to mind whenever JW's came to mind.
1. No blood Transfusions
2. door to door knocking
3. Michael Jackson
I never knew anything else about them until I found this site and other anti-JW sites.
Doomsday cult
That's what my mother said that they were. A cult. I kick myself everyday for not listening to her. We were told that they "twist the bible", and that you should "never even try to argue with one", not to even open the door. This is one real case of "If you don't listen to your parents, you'll have to go to the school of hard knocks". No pun intended.
When I first told an old friend that I was now a JW (back 20 years or so ago), she said, "Aren't those the ones who don't go to doctors?"
Uh...not exactly. Hmmm, yeah, that preaching work and all those magazines sure aren't accomplishing much out in the wide world.
Darth Yhwh
This is a difficult question for me to answer. See I consider myself worldly but when the JWs come up in conversation my first reaction is always framed against my own experience.
My partner refers to them as " God botherers"
I tend to agree with him.
The responses I have been getting lately has been:
- They came to my door when I was a kid. I have never talked to them since I have been an adult.
- They think they are better than everyone else.
- I feel sorry for them, they think the have "the Truth".
- Those people that go door-to-door.
- I don't know anything about them. Nothing. What? They will cut you off if you leave? That's not right. What? No birthdays? That's just wrong.