Many here will be familiar with I took the same software and installed it at
For those who are unfamiliar with wiki's the idea is very simple, anyone can add or edit any content at the site. In this way a large amount of information can be built up quite quickly all subject to peer review. Clearly the concept is open to abuse from those who prefer their own version of 'the Truth' but I do have checks and balances against this.
I know that we can all get into our routines of only visiting the same sites over and over again so do we really need another one? Well if it keeps the Watchtower Society on their toes and gives them one more 'front' to defend then I say 'go for it'!
If you have any articles or research on your hard drive that you are willing to share you can now just 'cut & paste' them into the wiki. WatchowerWiki is not a forum, it's a repository for information, essays, articles and research freely accessible to all.
Any questions? Just ask.