Here is the pyramid found at Julia Child's grave. She was a Mason for sure.
Proof Julia Child was a Mason--Pyramid Next to her Grave
by rebel8 14 Replies latest social humour
Did she ever admit to being a mason? This is not enough evidence to convince me.
Yea, well where is the eyeball?
bwahahahaha! OMG, that's great!
Well, she did work for the agency that became the CIA during WWII, before she learned to cook. Perhaps she was introduced to Masonry then.
I wouldn't be surprised at all if she was a Mason. I know they don't generally let the women play with the men in that org, I think they have a sort of ladies' auxillary, but perhaps they made an exception in Julia's case because she could easily pass for male in the proper attire.
I'll bet she was working secretly with other Mason chefs to take over the world.
Yea, well where is the eyeball?
It's on the dead fish.
Ah yes, the dead fish. How clever.
And rebel8 is a member of the illumi-nut-i!
(This was cool, thanks for posting!)
Thank you Rebel8 for uncovering this modern day mystery of the secret society of Mason jars. Julia Child was and has been (until her death) a purveyor of recipes..........only to leave out one ingredient for everyone but her fellow followers of French fondue.
You forgot to add..........once she measured all the ingredients, she came up with 607. And then when she added up the calories on top of that, she came up with 1914.
Once again, thank you for exposing this culinary cult of Child.
LOL @ HappyDad!