(by the way, that's not a wristbland ... that's BLING!).
btw thats not a factual statement ..thats sarcasm..not far removed from irony
by orbison11 27 Replies latest jw friends
(by the way, that's not a wristbland ... that's BLING!).
btw thats not a factual statement ..thats sarcasm..not far removed from irony
Yes, halle berry, a natural beauty.
btw thats not a factual statement ..thats sarcasm..not far removed from irony
sweet tee
Maybe she thinks she's Babylon the Great. Or maybe she's going out in Service this morning!
Oh maybe she's going out in Service this morning.
Bet she'd place a few magazines.
Not quite as revealing as this dress (just barely covering her privies in the last pic):
Mutton dressed as lamb!
Someone get her to a stylist quick, the ghetto-ho look just isn;t her thing. Love her boobs though! ahahahha
You know, it just dawned on me that her outfits all look like pimped out tennis dresses; form fitting with short, short, flirty skirts.
I have seen a lot of women tennis players over the years and none have a body like hers. Here's my take:
1. She is/has taking/taken steroids
2. She is not really a she (her body looks like it should have a man's head except for the boobs)
3 Please cover some of that up