Terrorists target atomic facility

by ozziepost 11 Replies latest social current

  • ozziepost

    Breaking news today downunder...................

    Captured terrorists planned to attack Sydney's Atomic Energy facility!

    What a target that would be! Thoughts and precautions have always centered on Sydney's famous icons, the Harbour Bridge and the Syney Opera House. Now it turns out that terrorists from alQaeda have been training at two properties in the "bush" and were captured in Sydney - the atomic facility is in the southern districts of Sydney.

    Last week there was a shootout at a mosque in Sydney's south-weatern suburbs as police moved in to arrest a man - right in a residential suburb.

    Things are getting serious downunder too! Apparently downuner is a target because of its support for Timor!!!!!!

  • Frog

    ...Timor sure, not to mention our lamearse lapdog governments support for bombing the sh!t out of Afghanistan & Iraq... Indonesia (our near North neighbour) has the largest population of Muslims in the world, there's no chance of a get out of jail card free for Aus.

    Just to show how relaxed and trusting we are here "downunder", 3 of the accused terror suspects apprehended last week had been previously caught breaking into the Sydney nuclear power plant (18months previously) having cut through the unpatrolled gate chain with a pair of bolt cutters...and were subsequently released.

    The new shoot to kill powers given 3 days before they made the arrest of those 9 suspecte terrorists was so obviously a ploy to politicise the situation. Stating that they needed the extra powers (which were already in place anyway) due to suspected terrorist activity in Aus. Low & behold a few days later the sh!t goes down (as planned), and all the ignorant nob heads pat the priminister on the back for a job well done. This current government (and the opposition mind you) make me sick...vote green people! damn shame "gods kingdom" was sucha farse:frowning:

  • misspeaches

    Morning Ozzie

    I heard about that this morning on Sunrise.

    I guess it shows that no body is 100% safe from terrorists. I hope that nothing really bad happens but hope won't achieve very much I'm afraid...

  • DannyBear


    Glad you and yours are ok. Could have been a very serious incident. Kudos to those responsible for the discovery and apprehension.

    Somehow this just ratifies for me the reality of the threat. Any country willing to stand up against radical Islam is and will be a target at some point in time.

    There is no appeasing this mindless hatred.

    Take care and give uncleb a hug for me will ya?


  • TopHat

    Why do you think God's Kingdom is a farse? Jehovah's Witnesses might have been wrong about the dates but that doesn't change what God has to say about setting up his Kingdom on earth when the time does arrive.

  • ozziepost

    What's God's Kingdom gotta do with the topic?

  • TopHat
    The new shoot to kill powers given 3 days before they made the arrest of those 9 suspecte terrorists was so obviously a ploy to politicise the situation. Stating that they needed the extra powers (which were already in place anyway) due to suspected terrorist activity in Aus. Low & behold a few days later the sh!t goes down (as planned), and all the ignorant nob heads pat the priminister on the back for a job well done. This current government (and the opposition mind you) make me sick...vote green people! damn shame "gods kingdom" was sucha farse:(

    I was answering Frog

  • ozziepost
    I was ;answering Frog

    You could start up a new thread on that absorbing topic. I'll prob'y be interestred enough to post to it.

  • TopHat

    I could and maybe I will start a new post on that subject....it will bring out the Atheist to the rescue...wouldn't it! Good Night...ozzie

  • skinnyboy

    What makes me laugh, is the media mention all these targets that these dumbarses probably never thought of bombing, "ooh yeah, Lucas Heights, hadn;t thought of that Achmed! Idiots, if they really want to win this botched "The War on Terror' they should just get on with it behind the scenes and let us know when they have caught/stopped/shot these "terrorists" Stop filling the media with fear, its totally counter productive.

    Then again, it suits the Gov. perfectly well, get every one shit scared, remove their freedoms in the name of preserving freedom adn then when we come to rise up against our piss poor government, we can; because we have no weapons left, we have no privacy to coordinate our efforts..... Its all quite depressing really. What we need is an earth defining moment, where the little green men when you need them, oh yeah they never existed either, the internet weeded that little theory out.

    I pray for the day that people wake up and start action, today in the city they had a rally about Workplace reform. If only it would make a difference, but no we have utter wankers in both power and opposition.

    Depressing indeed!


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