Hi All,
I am after a little input on something.
I am wondering what your thoughts are on parents not preventing pregnancies from occurring when they have already produced a child or children with a genetic defect???
Is it fair or even moral to bring a child into the world when you have already proven that one or both parents genes are defective. I am speaking here of children that suffer and will not live normal life spans.
I personally could not do this. I would love a defective child if I gave birth to one, but I definitely would not be so cruel as to go and have another, even if the risk is only 1 in 4.
I am amazed at the amount of people who deliberately do this and use the excuse "I didn't think I would fall pregnant"
I know someone personally who has done this and the subject actually gets me a little riled up. I just wonder when selfishness ends and the ability to rationalize a situation like this becomes a genuine need for thought and discussion amongst parents.
Sad for the children
Any input most welcome,
edited for typo's...should be sleeping !