Too often we in the western world see solutions in our terms. We overlook the cultural environments we're working in.
This is so very true ozzie. While I agree this idea has great prospects, it's all too easy for us westeners to sit back and be awed by these all too simple solutions. i agree the implementation process, the follow-through, maintenance, product support etc will be a nightmare to manage. While it is an excellent idea in principle, without real support something like this would easily fall on its head. That then enables corrupt governments to blame the victims for the failure to take up a solution that would work well in remote areas of western countries, but not necessarily account for the cultural and economic road blocks in developing countries.
While I once again applaud SNG's optimism, this to me is just another example of putting too much faith in the quick technofix to find solutions to what are essentially problems that have cultural and social roots.
Ozzie mate, shoot me a pm sometime, I'd be very interested to hear allot more about what it is exactly that you do? frog x