For good or ill, my leaving the Society was not due to having found inconsistencies in their doctrine.
My current view on the bible and on God is due to years of research after having left the Org. I found that anything I might call God does not resemble anything like God is described in the bible. I lean much more the direction of the Buddhist on that matter. That being the case, I simply cannot believe that the bible, or any other "holy" book for that matter, to be the word of any god.
I want to have nothing to do with religion in general, not because I'm bitter, per se, but because I don't want someone else telling me a bunch of stories and, what I consider to be fairytales, professing them to be Ultimate Truth. If a person were to say, "these are just some good rules to live by and these other ones are suspect", in regards to the bible, I might have some respect for that person.
As an example, I frequently watch Joel Osteen programs. This guy quotes from the bible, but I don't consider what he does as preaching. He makes recommendations on how to live life, be successful, and be happy, by using the power of the Christos energy (my words) to activate what you desire in life. I don't have the slightest problem with that.
I have found a much, much better understanding of the bible I think, outside the confines of any religious structure.
I suspect that if a person could look at their bible with entirely new eyes again, as if they'd never seen it before, as they might another religion's holy books, with a fully critical eye, with some degree of skepticism, perhaps even doubt, they might discover some very interesting things. Oh, and for God's sake, also read something other than the bible and don't compartmentalize them. Everything is related in some manner.