I will take your question as it is.
The origins of Job are in the the final quiver of a heart that ceases. What can you say to a being who has eternity in his heart but knows that it is unattainable? Most people (even on this site) want to focus no further than the comming weekend. "Working on mysteries without any clues". If your life were to be 100 years would your attitude change? How about 200, 300, 1000? If you take Job as factual, there is a lot of answers and motivation that answer the question as to how mankind got here. If you take Job as a "story" or a fable, what is the difference? In a sense, Job lays the ground rules for all of us: no way out, take what you get. The Romans went thru their existance believing that they were simply playthings of the Gods. All that did was in futility unless the Gods okayed it. Talk about frustration.
If you believe in God, then you have 2 choices: He is good or He is not.
If he is not, you and I are fu*ked. Take what you can get or slit your throat, neither matters. All "sin" is an illusion, whatever pleasures you is all that is good. Causing offsping is the worst of crimes. Who gives a fu*k if your progeney lives on? You're fu*king dead, man. I'm truely sorry you were born because now you have to suffer the ultimate pain: frustration.
If He is, then Job becomes extremely important. He is what's happening. He's why. He is hope. Fuck JC, all that shyte is for the executive level. The working man is Job. Does your wife bitch at you to take out the garbage? Do you know she's feels someone else when she shudders on you? Does she make you turn in circles before a mirror? Then you're Job and Adam and what we dumb ass humans can do to each other.
Job is the world that we've inherited. As sad it may sound, Job is the best that we can hope for.