by Mary 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary

    I have a WT-CD ROM, but it's an older one from 1997. If anyone wants it, lemme know and I'm mail it to you. It's free, but if you'd care to make a small contribution, I'll make sure it goes on a bottle of good wine towards the World Wide Witnessing Work.........

  • delilah

    Mary dear....how 'bout I just bring over a nice bottle of Wolf Blass and we build a huge bon-fire, and watch that baby meltdown????? Sounds like more fun than mailing it to some poor unsuspecting soul in cyberspace...

  • Finally-Free

    Not me. I don't want to invite demunz into my home.


  • JAVA
    I don't want to invite demunz into my home.

    That's way toooooooooooooo funny !!!!!

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    No thank you but if you have the new Stones CD I'll take that instead.

  • Mary

    Finally Free said: Not me. I don't want to invite demunz into my home.


    I meant, does anyone want the CD for any research they're doing to expose the Borg's hypocrisy or to see what older publications said about all the flip flopping doctrines. Now Walter, give me your address. I'm going to put a curse on the CD, stuff a smurf inside and send it off to you.

  • littlerockguy

    I was in the borg up until 97/98. I would like a more recent one but I haven't asked anyone still going to order or get one for me. Are they or have they started having publishers register the copies of the CD-ROMS or sign an agreement not to violate copywrite laws? lol

  • Finally-Free

    Actually, I already have the 1997 and 2001 CD's. That may account for the demunz I have in my home right now. As I mentioned in another thread, one of the bastards stole my last beer!(I'm not kidding - I was halfway through my last bottle of Sleemans honey brown and the bottle disappeared. It's been several months and I still can't find the empty. Bastard demon probably cashed it in for the refund)

    As for the smurf, is it a gurl???


  • sass_my_frass

    Keep it for research reasons... the CD I have doesn't have the really old books or volumes (I think WBTS have worked out that they're just gag fodder).

  • anewme

    Hey I forgot that I do have one! A parting gift from my JW husband as I was walking out the door!
    I kid you not!
    I'll see if it works in this new computer I got here.

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