Thanks Hill, I will.
Another gun thread.
by Low-Key Lysmith 23 Replies latest jw friends
Low...just some advice. That rubber buckshot..make sure the first 2 count. I say this because you will be amazed what a man can do while hurt and jazzed on adrenaline. You are only justified to shoot in defense until you no longer feel a threat. You will also be amazed on how easy it is to miss your first shot while your' jazzed up too. Training and mental preparation will help one manage stress. That rubber buck can be a killer round but I wouldnt consider it "non-leathal" or suitable for defensive use.
Never aim a defensive weapon at anyone you are not willing to kill. Plain and simple. Make the first shot count and put your man down.
My house gun has 2 loads of low brass #8 ahead of several #00 buckshot loads.
Used to own the following:
Ruger Red Label over n under 12 gauge
Baretta side by side double trigger 12 gauge
Winchester lever action .22 rifle
Colt .38 Super
Winchester Semi-auto .22 rifle
In true girly-girl form, I don't remember the exact names or model numbers for them, but sure used to enjoy them, especially the Red Label. In spite of the fact that I kept them under lock and key though, as the kids got older I worried they'd get ahold of them and get hurt.
I've got:
winchest 30 30
winchest 22-250
300 weatherby mag
a couple .22s
a 12 gauge shotgun.Dont care anything about hunting anymore, but I like to work up loads and test em. I like to shoot.
9mm Glock Compact 21 w/ preban magazine
36LS Revolver w/Rosewood Grip (my girlie gun)
Remington 332 w/ 26 inch barrel
The Lady Smith and Glock are my concealed carry firearms, depending on where I'm going, what I'm dong and what I'm wearing!
I do shoot High Power, but my best friend has my "mouse gun" and makes the rounds, I just shoot them and hit the target at 600 yards!
My 17 year old daughter shoots all of the above, plus Class III, Semi and Full Auto!
I have owned and enjoy shooting guns (air rifles, 9mm, shotguns etc).
It doesn't mean I don't support greater gun control though.
I have never fired one, but I collect Western American artifacts. One item in my collection is a model 1881 Marlin lever action rifle complete with Native American decoration, as it was used in the Indian wars, and is documented. I Have it framed in a shadow box with a beaded rifle scabbard, tomohawk, and some Native american trade fabric. People see it, and I get lots of Ohhhs and Ahhhs...
I also have a small automatic pistol called "The Victory" It is a model 1914, and is loaded with fancy engraving, and has bone handle grips. It is also for display purposes. i do not think that I could ever fire a gun, but some of them are neat to look at.
Low Key, nice to hear from my neighbor up the street.
- Beretta 682 12g with tubes for 20g, 28g, and .410 that I use for Skeet competition
- Beretta A391 Technys 12g semi for Sporting Clays and skeet
- Beretta A391 Urika Youth Model that I picked up this summer for my 10-yr-old son.
- Beretta A303 I use as a loaner when I take someone shooting
- Remington 1100 28g that I use to teach and hunt pheasant (though I rarely get to go hunting)
- Ithaca .22 single shot, drop block that I got when I was seven
Hillbilly: you got some nice-sounding stuff there.
A Romanian AK-47 (SAR-1) with all-black polymer stocks, 5 30-round magazines, a Picatinney rail with a holographic sighting system. (This one's a real hot rod).
I have a 9mm Glock 19 and a pump shotgun. My Glock is named Jezabel. If I had an AK-47 like that, I'd name it Themistocles.
I have had guns like i have my other tools & gadgets i "had" an AK with a (pre Clinton ban) 75 round drum mag and two 40 rd box mags feeded perfect never jammed.
Firearms are irrevelant for my agenda if i was gonna take out my mortal enemy i would not use a gun,violence would be an ineffective tactic against my enemy as it would make martyrs outta em.
The first amendment is more powerful than the second and the pen (keyboard) is mightier than the sword.Now,if my enemy assaults me first that's different.