Do you feel as if your relationship with God was ruined by the JW's?

by JH 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pistoff

    Well, yeah. That seems to obvious too say out loud some days.

    I had to get out of my mind a god who:

    Wanted to know the intimate details of sexual misadventures.

    Would/would not/would/would not/would/would not resurrect the sodomites.

    Insists that I know exactly who he is and believe 100% before hearing prayers, sheesh.

    Insisted that I give up my life in order to prove my respect for life and blood; the hell with children and grandchildren I guess, they will just have to suck it up.

    Puts the governments into position as his minister, then tell me they belong to Satan.

    Changes his mind every few years, and then kicks me out if I ask a question.

    Backs the wrong, dumbheaded, corrupt elders every time.


    What do you mean, my idea of God was ruined???

    Just imagine a power hungry, contrary, bloodthirsty, sex crazed, bipolar deity and there you have God as defined by the WT.

    Was that too harsh?

  • Effervescent

    I was raised in "The Truth". When I left, I never felt like I was leaving God, although I did have some doubts (ok ALOT) as to if I was doing the right thing or not. Now, looking back, I see the day I left (I ran away from home- a clean split from everything) as the beginning of my relationship with God. What my worship was as a JW and what it is now has no comparison. It's something I take so much joy in and feel very fulfilled by. It was a journey, but for me personally, it was a great one.

  • juni

    Good evening to all!

    I was a Methodist and then left to study w/JW. Methodists always asking for money. But during my youth I felt a closeness to God. A love for Him and Him for me. Despite the money factor. Got married in the Meth. Church. My husband and I quit because of crap and the money issue. Now w/the JWs. Now they are asking for money at every turn and the crap is pretty deep there too. Only difference between the two religions is this: WITH THE JWS THE ONLY WAY TO HAVE A GOOD RELATIONSHIP W/JEHOVAH IS TO FOLLOW THEIR EVERY WORD. OTHERWISE YOU ARE BAD AND HAVE GOD S DISAPPROVAL.. YOU ARE TOLD TO DO MORE, BE MORE. MESSES W/YOUR NEED FOR A RELATIONSHIP W/YOUR CREATOR BECAUSE IT IS CONDITIONAL. W/METHODISTS, THEY TOO ASK FOR MONEY, BUT YOU'RE NOT BROW BEATEN IF YOU CAN'T AND THEY DON'T TIE IN STUFF WITH HAVING GOD'S APPROVAL. A MORE FORGIVING GOD.

    I feel spirituality is far different than religion. Religion is manmade w/their own specific rules. So with that being said I feel JW have done a huge disservice to people and their need for spirituality.. You've got a group of MEN speaking for God. I find it very hard personally to find that closeness to God once again and feel confidant of His love once the other crap has been pounded in your head at so many required mtgs., assemblies, personal study, etc. Still working on this. Juni

  • biddie

    JH- Yes I've felt like that too. But- you can't let your feelings be the gauge for God's love. Remember He Loves you un-conditionally- Sins and all! Our feelings can really get in the way! We don't always Feel Like God is with us- that's the point- It is through faith that we go on day after day! Biddie

  • biddie

    Jeanie -Beanz! He is "out there" and He loves YOU! Just ask him to enter your heart again! Biddie

  • biddie

    Mine too! Tetra! Biddie

  • heathen

    Juni --- There are way more differences than that , J-dubs expect you to disown your family if they are not j-dubs . The WTBTS condemns the whole world as evil and satanic . To be a good dubby you do have to make alot more meetings and also go out in field service to try and find converts . You have to accept whatever is in print as the undisputable truth .

  • FlyingHighNow

    JWs totally messed with my ideas about God. I have struggled to weed out all of their poison. It's not easy, but slowly and surely, I'm getting their evil god out of my system.

    The best thing I have read on this forum so far is when someone said that they refuse to serve a god who is less moral than them. And in my case, I agree, because I am a much more merciful person than Jehovah of the old testament. I am sure I'm not at all bloodthirsty like him.

  • juni

    Good evening Heathen,

    I could not agree with you more. I was in for 21 years so I'm well aware of all of the stuff you said. Juni

    Hi Flying High Now,

    When I was in counseling, it was brought to my attention that I was being harder on myself than God would be. You know it always bothered me that there was so much bloodshed - gruesome stuff. I never could figure out either why Moses was punished so severely even though for so many years he faithfully obeyed. Look at King David. He got off after murdering a man. Though Jesus came through his lineage. I don't know - doesn't seem just to me. Juni

  • GoingGoingGone

    When I was a JW, I never ever felt close to God. I did everything right, I pioneered, I prayed, I read my bible daily, I went to all the meetings. But I never understood him, and I never felt like he was listening when I prayed.

    When I began my exit, I prayed and prayed for him to help me know what he wanted me to do. For a short time, I did feel like he was listening... but I don't know anymore.

    Anyway, to answer the question, I don't think the JWs ruined my relationship with God. I just never had a relationship with God as a JW at all. Now that I'm out, I feel like I can start to try to understand him, and maybe I'll be able to form some type of relationship from there. Maybe not. I guess we'll see....


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