Has One Found A Good Wife?

by Golf 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Golf

    Thanks for all your comments. I told my wife what I posted on the forum. I'm a touchy husband so my wife gets plenty of touching.

    I believe when couples begin to downgrade each other in a relationship, the relationship gradually takes its toll. Mind you, all marriages have there peculiar problems. For me, I was the problem, with her patience and strong love, it became strength to me.

    Reflecting back in my life, I'm glad I married her. I'm a non-conformists, I follow my gut feeling.

    Marriages work when sacrifices and adjustments are put into practice by both partners.


  • freedom96

    I found myself a good wife, this time around.

  • Golf

    Good for you freedom, treasure it. The benfits of having a good wife is like drinking 'good' wine. Excuse the analogy but I'm also a wine drinker.


  • Smoky

    Good for you Golf. My friends tell me that i am jealous of other peoples happiness, and that gets me so ticked off, I am not jealous, I am actually happy for those who found the ONE.

    I thought I found the one, but evidently she did not feel the same.about me and I was a good husband too. I wonder sometimes if I can ever trust anyone enough, to give myself wholeheartedly again.

    Time will tell

  • arrowstar

    Golf -

    Congrats to you and your lovely bride on your many years of happiness. At this point in my life, I treasure each day of happiness. I'm a good woman. I'm not a wife.


  • Golf

    Smokey, like you, I'm happy when others are happy. I'm sadden to hear your experience. Gee, I would love to say the right words for you but I don't have any. I've often used the word 'luck' when I was a witness. I went with my gut feeling with my choice. I just couldn't get interested in a JW sister while being a witness, just couldn't. I wish you all the best.

    Arrowstar thanks for the comment. Glad to hear your a good women. The best.


  • Finally-Free

    Congrats Golf!

    My own didn't work out. Maybe one day I'll get over my fear of trying again.


  • arrowstar

    Golf - thank you. You're much too kind.


  • Golf

    No problem Arrowstar. I may not be a 10 husband but I make sure my wife gets her due attention. We have an interesting history together. What's amazing is that she does her thing, and I do mine. It gives me a satisfied feeling to see and know other couples bonding. Have a great day.


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