I've completely stopped taking part in any JW activities for close to a year now and will be visiting my JW family for the next couple of weeks. They have no idea that I have become "apostate". For all they know I am still an active JW. Since I am not yet ready to come out of the closet, I will have to act the part and do all the JW stuff while I am there. It'll be tough, I hope I don't have a slip of the tongue and and open up pandora's box. Let's see....
JW acting skills put to the test
by watch the tower 15 Replies latest jw experiences
Well, I don't envy you. Keep us posted on how it goes. Let us know if there's anything new.
Hi WTT, I wish you luck buddy, some close family members and I are faders, and I know exactly what you mean, it is really hard to keep shut about what we know, especially if you have really zealous family members whose every other word is Jehovah - If Jehovah allows, thanks to Jehovah etc, UGHHH - it can get irritating.
I've already stuck my foot in my mouth on occasion, so be very careful, just think to yourself "Theocratic warfare strategy" and you will be ok.
It is hard to fake it when you have been out for a year (I've tried). I learned keep quiet as much as possible when it comes to JW stuff in the presence of family/friends who are still active.
Good luck.
That's going to be hard. Don't comment on anything JW, if you can help it. Smile and nod a lot....
Hope it goes well for you!
you poor thing... that is so hard. I wish you all the best. be alert.... do your family have any suspicion that you may have changed in your viewpoint? If you have had an assembly recently it may be worth going over material people posted here about it in case you are asked about it....
All the best!
I'm not sure if you and your wife just dropped off the face of the earth, or if you still maintain some JW contacts where you live now, but if you haven't been around it for awhile, let me tell you, it'll be quite nauseating at first.
All you can do is have fun. Focus on how much you love your family and appreciate the time you get to spend with them ... no matter how fake ... unfortunately ... it may have to be.
On the other hand ... you might be surprised. Some people might be on the same road as you ... who knows.
In reality they'd be just as unhappy shunning you as you would be if they did. Spare yourselves that pain and just play the game. Change the subject a lot, go into another room, make the coffee, do the dishes, go play with the dog. Keep everything as light as you can and if anybody corners you and wants specific answers, say 'yeah I've got to think about that' or 'No actually I'm not comfortable talking about that' as much as you have to.
Be cool hon! Don't think you'll be able to talk to them or reason. Just avoid thinking about it and have some good family fun!
Forgive me but if you are convinced that you are right what have you got to hide ? Why try to fake something that you are not ? Isn't that being dishonest ?
Trying to get a long with family doesn't have to be faking. You can just keep your opinions to yourself. Withholding your own personal viewpoints isn't a "dishonest" thing to do. Spare yourself the anguish and just roll with it....