Hi, newbie here. I'm a "liberal" JW (please don't hold that against me ), hanging out on the fringes of my congregation. I've been lurking here for a year, and since lightning hasn't struck me dead-yet- decided to register. I'm a single parent, early forties and female. As you may guess, I'm ignored in the congregation. Given my doubts, that's a good thing. I've been experiencing cognitive dissonance in many areas of my life, and have developed some coping skills, so things I hear at the KH don't bother me too much. I'm appalled at the treatment some of you have experienced at the hands of JWs. My experiences pale in comparison and helps me put things in perspective. I'm starting a spiritual journey, and I don't know where it will take me, but I find that oddly invigorating. I've been impressed by the knowledge on this board as well as by the heart. I think this will be an interesting experience, one that can't be had at the KH.
peace and love to all....
~ serendipity ~