Tactics to sway my family from the JW organization

by findingmyway 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jgnat

    That is tough, Jbrown, and not an unfamilar story.

    Here's a quote from a recent Watchtower article that gives you some idea on how non-JW's are viewed by the society:

    "...And while we have not all suffered direct persecution, all true Christians have to struggle against Satan the Devil and the spirit that he engenders among mankind. (Ephesians 2:2;6:12) It takes constant vigilance not to be influenced by that spirit, since we encounter it at work, at school, and in any other place where we have to rub shoulders with those who have no interest in pure worship." WT September 1, 2005, page 13, para 2

    Keep reading up on the Jehovah's Witnesses, get yourself informed, and keep asking your son questions. Here's my thread for newbies.


  • Check_Your_Premises

    Hey FMW,

    I have heard some folks say that helping people to have a new perspective regarding the jw (or any cultic religion) is better thought of as a process, rather then trying to identify certain facts to present.

    Sorry if this is old info. The first place to start is reading Combatting Mind Control and/or Releasing the Bonds by Steven Hassan. These are the state of the art, "how to get your loved one out of a cult" books.

    With any cult member, the key is trust. You need to have your loved ones trust you. Next, maybe identify some "low hanging fruit", rather then going after the whole bunch. Find the ones that you will think are the easiest marks. Approach them slowly, so as to not offend their sensibilities, so they inform the others of your, not just df, but apostate status. Get a couple to leave with you, and then you will have allies for helping the others.

    That would be my overall strategy.

    First, establish trust!


  • Check_Your_Premises

    Welcome JBrown.

    How about starting a new thread where you tell us your story!


  • TallTexan

    I have a large number of family and friends who are still being brainwashed. Fortunately, some of them are not and have 'seen the light'. I honestly never thought they would even remotely entertain the idea of the organization being wrong, but the issues I've brought up have helped. One of them told me today that it was the UN thing that showed them that the organzation was capable of deceit and dishonestly. I think that is a powerful point, because the (wt)BS has spent so much time condeming the UN.

    Now, it hasn't worked on everyone. Many either don't believe or don't really care as they are content to be lied to and brainwashed. But, as my family member and I were talking about today, getting people to even begin doing the research they should on the organization is a lot like field service - you plant the seed, never knowing when that one thing will happen that will encourage them down the right path. Hang in there!

  • jwfacts

    You seem to be in a fairly good situation so dont rock the boat too much.

    Here is some info in regards to the new light doctrine. http://jwfacts.com/index_files/Page652.htm

    Is it new light when a doctrine is changed back to the original position? superior authorities/organ transplants

    Is it new light when a doctrine is introduce and it is wrong? 1925

    Did Jehovah wait 60 years to introduce the blood rules, and then another 60 years to greatly soften them?

    It all sounds like an organisation led by men. You need to get those points across in a way in which they can reason on them over time.

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