I was looking at the news the other day and they had a 100 yr old man that went water-skiing for his 100th birthday. Now I was just thinking like a JW and somehow they might say "that 100 year old man would be of the 1914 generation so there are probably millions like him still alive" So if there is lets say a million 100 year old now living do you think that the WT leaders might think that they abandoned ship to quick when they disregarded the 1914 generation doctrine in 1995? How many 100 years olds are around today? Do the 100 year old have to be JW's to be part of that 1914 generation? Or can they be non-JW 100 year olds? Can we expect to see a future "reversal" to the "old light" once again?
Do you think that JW's will "reverse" their 1914 generation doctrine back?
by booker-t 15 Replies latest watchtower bible
No chance - there are too many prophesies to be fulfilled - it is 2006 next year and only 8 years off 2014 - so no chance
Booker T,
Have you noted that the JW elderly don't seem to die off at the realistic rate that the rest of the 100+ers do?
generation that saw 1914 had to be let's say twelve. The society's age of reason. That would make them a whopping 103!!!! These guys are like the energizers, they just keep going and going.....
This is so funny! I was just thinking along the same lines! I thought they could alway pull out how some old Russian lived to be 120! Of course they wouldn't mention the shot ov vodka a day a and a cigar to boot! That would give them to 2034 to work on a new plan.
well, im reading a book right now, its called APOCALYPSE DELAYED... how apt is that for a name for a book about J-Dubs???? anyways it says there was an attempt to change their generation thingy to 1957, but they decided not to yet, because it would ruin alot of what they had taught and that it would probably cause some kind of schism...
the infamous one
I am just finishing up Apaclypse Delayed, and I find it rather 'sympathetic' towards Russell. Does anybody else?
They'll never go back. I think there's a lot more 'adjustment' in store for 1914 related doctrines, mostly in dropping the reliance on 607 BCE as a starting point for the 2520 years - now that I feel may be abandoned sooner than any of us think.
Watch out for Matthew chapter 24 gaining even more prominence. It will reach the point where the 'signs of the times of the end' that Jesus gave will be all that is required to maintain the 'hook' date of 1914 and all of the important claims the Watchtower Society hang upon it.
Well, maybe . . .
Reverse, change, redo, etc. What would shock you about it, if they did?
wheres caleb?
No chance - there are too many prophesies to be fulfilled - it is 2006 next year and only 8 years off 2014 - so no chance
Agreed, no chance.
in a new york bethel minute
they can't do anything about the "GENERATION" because they chose the amount of years straight from the bible... the bible says a generation is 70 or 80 years. so the most it could be was 80 years. that's why they dropped it in 1995.