I think not. Not an organized type, at least. As an elder, I would try to bend the Organization's rules so as to be more moderate and give the "sheep" a little more comfort. But no elder or group of people could organize such a group AND stay within the Watchtower's (Kingdom Hall's) walls. And if somebody got caught not towing the party line, they would be watched from that point forward. I don't think an organized reform movement exists----unless you're referring to two or three that have had private conversations about how things really do suck in Witness World.
Is There Truly Any "Underground Reform" Going On?
by minimus 32 Replies latest jw friends
Will Power
but would it still be ok to ask a jehovah's witness which group they belong to?
hehe -
Couldn't happen. Not unless *all* of the CO's and DO's were in on it too.
Reforming the Watchtower Society???
What a joke. They'd have more success trying to reform a malignant tumor.
Nathan Natas
When I see posts saying there is a "movement" to reform the diseased Watchtower, I really question it. Years ago, there were a couple of posters (who might've been the same person) that regularly said similar things about "reform". I think they were "Associated Witnesses" or something like that. They used to spam this board until they were told to stop. Anyone with good sense would never want to reform the corrupt Watchtower! "Get out of her, my people!"
Puhleeze! There is nothing beyond maybe the dreams of a handful of people in absolutely ineffectual positions. The "movement" cannot thrive within that high control system. By keeping it quiet and underground, it automatically defeats its main reason for being: to voice alternative opinions and questions.When I gave two public talks and I simply spent more time on certain sections of the outline and ignored a few other points, (nothig overtly heretical), it was quickly noticed by the BOE. Two of them grilled me on why I chose to stray from the timing, and why I left out some "very important" points about the FDS. They said that I should consider myself as a waiter serving the dish and not the chef.
Midget, that's interesting! The elders DO watch for things. They're trained to do so. The "reformists" are kidding themselves and others that believe this nonsense.
That Watchman dude, he's creating his own schizm in the organization. I wouldn't wonder that he would attract a certain number of disgruntled elders and stepped-down elders. You know, the ones who are "True Believers" that the end is coming but have concluded that their OWN ORGANIZATION is as corrupt as the rest of the world.
But any organized reform? Doomed to failure.
BUT on the other hand, if moderates are managing to network and support each other outside of the elder structure, more power to them! There's lots of people dedicated to doomed causes and have a very satisfying life dedicating themselves to it.
These reform threads are becoming as annoying as the mason threads.
{ Watches minimus fall over }