Do you think that the Watchtower and Awake Mags are Idols?

by MsMcDucket 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • MsMcDucket

    I remember thinking that the magazines were "holy". I was afraid to throw them away. Isn't this like idol worship? Anything that you put before God is an idol right? Everyone in the organization is expected to obey the rules in the magazines even if what is stated is not biblical. To me make that makes the two magazines idols.

  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    I see what you mean, and I used to feel the same way, had boxes and boxes of the stuff, because I just couldn't bear to throw them away- what if, when persecution comes and they take away all our literature at the hall, I can hide all this literature and share it among the brethren, as a source of spiritual food?WHAT BS!

    Now, however they have served a better purpose, they have been excellent therapy for me - during my journey out of the brainwashing I eventually got to the point where you feel extreme anger at the WTS for all the damage they have caused to so many people, for their arrogance etc. well I felt a great sense of release and pleasure with every WT and Awake Mag I ripped up and dumped out, it was great, really.

    I did something beneficial for myself and cleared the crap from my house all at the same time.


  • mrsjones5

    Yes, and I think that alot of jws are afraid the throw the mags away. Total idol worship.

  • forsharry

    Wow. Most excellent question!

    And absolutely! After all, did we not put the watchtower above even the bible to explain all things "holy" to us? For to read the bible without the accompanyment of the watchtower magazine would cast you back into the ways of christendom. How interesting!

  • mrsjones5

    I think it would be very interesting to take a watchtower or an awake mag and rip it in two in front of a jw. Cruel but interesting.

  • MsMcDucket
    I think it would be very interesting to take a watchtower or an awake mag and rip it in two in front of a jw. Cruel but interesting

    Yes, let's do it! It's would be like burning a flag to a patriotic person or desecrating a cross. They would, definitely, think that you were demonized!

  • forsharry

    You mean...we're not?

    ::looks all dissappointed:: mean all this time it was me and not the little demon inside of me? rats...there goes my defense.

  • Mary

    Yep. I think these magazines are viewed by Witnesses the same way the Ten Commandment tablets were viewed by the Israelites: written by the hand of Jehovah.

  • minimus

    Yeah....DUNGY idols.

  • xjwms

    I was very young when this happened...

    An experience about a trash man, who, found a watchtower in the trash.

    and "got the truth" through the trash. And the whole family are servants of Jehovah.

    As a youngster , I thought.....""why would anyone ever though a watchtower in the trash.""?


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