Negativity seems to be part of the witness culture. My JW parents and relatives are always so negative. Each time I have conversation with them they will always have negative comments to make. They thrive on the news of disasters natural or man made, sickness or when someone dies" the end must be so close".
A couple of months ago I ran into a brother whom I grew up with. A relative of his had just died, he commented to me with that typical JW negative tone, the end must be so close because lots of people are dying. I thought, for God's sake his relative whom had just passed away was in his seventies. I commented it's sad, but unfortunately people have been dying for thousands of years and will continue to die.
When I think back to my j dub days I always had to fight those negative thoughts. It was always a challenge to stay positive, but when you attend five meetings a week where you are reminded over and over again how terrible life is, it has to influence your personality.