Elders School Part 3: Your talks kinda blow, brothers...

by sir82 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82

    In the interest of completeness, I will post this part of my notes as well, even though it was not as controversial as other parts. More controversial and/or ridiculous astatements to follow in later postings. Talk 9: PREPARING TALKS FOR THE CONGREGATION - Brothr Local Elder Synopsis: Don't procrastinate when you get an assignment. Best to start 2 weeks (!) before it is due. Don't just re-read material from its source, liven it up. Try to apply information to local needs. Don't exclude any questions from the Service Meeting Q&A parts Sir's Analysis: Given that the majority of elders couldn't pass an 8th grade speech class, this part was one of the more actually useful parts of the program. Interesting that they had to specifically mention not to skip any questions on Service Meeting parts - perhaps some brothers are doing some "editing" of parts they don't agree with? Egregious quotes: None

    Talk 10: PREPARING DISCOURSES FOR THE PUBLIC - Brother Local Elder

    Synopsis: More talk preparation and delivery tips, this time focused exclusively on public talks. Don't change the order of the subsections, or their timing. Think up good illustrations. Remember, it is a talk designed for the public (as if any attend!). Speak extemporaneously.

    Sir's Analysis: Once again, by seeing what points were specifically mentioned, we can see what troubles the Society re: public talks: Some brothers are using them as extended "local needs" parts, browbeating the listeners with their own personal peeves. Also, some make inappropriate jokes about clergy or other potentially sensitive issues to any unfortunate poor sap member of the public listening. Also, it seems some are changing the order of the points from the outline, or changing the timing of sections. Ve must have conformity!

    Egregious quotes: None Talk 11: HELP OTHERS OBEY WHAT THE BIBLE TEACHES - Brother Local Elder Synopsis: Elders have an obligation to train other in tehministry, as Jesus did. Train others to make initial calls, return visits, Bible studies, and (perhaps most important) turn those report slips in on time!!! This covered a lot of what is in Chapter 8 of the OD book Sir's Analysis: This included a lengthy unrealistic demonstration of an elder training a newbie publisher to make an initial call, then follow up with a return visit. It was unrealistic in that the "householder" hung on every word the elder & newbie spoke, making me wonder when the last time any members of the Teaching or Service or whatever Committee put this part together actually went out in service. More telling was a later demo with an elder soliloquizing about "how upset Brother Secretary" was about having to call him for his missing field service report "for the 4th month in a row". He went on & on about it is loving & proper to turn in those reports on time, and resolved to do better in the future. Egregious quotes: None Talk 12: USE VARIOUS METHODS TO REACH PEOPLE WITH THE GOOD NEWS - Brother SICO Synopsis: Elders should take the lead in the ministry. We will be bloodguilty if we don't warn others. Elders should have a "balanced ministry", doing door to door, return visits, street work, etc. Sir's Analysis: It seems that many elders, while perhaps putting in an "acceptable" number of hours, are pretty much just wasting time while in the ministry (see quotes below). This was designed to guilt them into being more productive. Egregious quotes: After referring to Ezekiel chapter 33 (the part about the watchman who is bloodguilty for not warning others): "Brothers, lives are at stake! We have a moral responsibility to preach the good news!" (This lecture about "moral responsibility" sponsored by the same organization that hides pedophiles, misquotes sources, misleads on blood transfusions / fractions, etc. etc.) "Imagine that you see someone fishing, but he has his hook above the water, and there's no bait on it. How much fish is he going to catch? Not very much! Our ministry needs to be more than just driving around offering Watchtowers! And fishermen are persistent, they go early in the morning, late at night. We should go in service early in the morning, conduct studies into the night, etc. etc." More goofiness to follow in the next posting...

  • xjwms

    Test ?

  • blondie

    Leaving out questions or

    The last talk of the night and brother BigWind left you 5 minutes out of your 15.

  • xjwms

    Number 12 talk

    Sounds like they are ordering elders to take the lead.

  • truthseeker

    sir82, another excellent summary!

    Have you noticed how religious some elders are when it comes to giving counsel regarding timing?

    I know some elders who make a BIG deal if a MS exceeds or falls short by 30 seconds.

  • truthseeker

    Have to laugh at this one! Talk 11: HELP OTHERS OBEY WHAT THE BIBLE TEACHES - Brother Local Elder Synopsis: Elders have an obligation to train other in tehministry, as Jesus did. Train others to make initial calls, return visits, Bible studies, and (perhaps most important) turn those report slips in on time!!! Does the Bible REALLY teach us to hand report slips in on time?

  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    I think there will be more and more elders giving up their positions, due to all this nonsensical crap! which is WONDERFULL!



  • TheListener

    Thank you Sir.

    It may sound weird but this is the first school I've missed in many years. I feel sort of out of it and lonely. Like there's a big fun club and I wasn't invited. I felt this way after the first CO visit I didn't particpate in as well.

    Trust me, I know this is a cult hangover feeling. I don't miss it bad enough to get re-energized or anything. But, I find it interesting that I feel like I'm missing something.

    I believe when I start missing CAs, DCs and SAs I will feel the same way at first.

    The fade is a gradual process both internally and externally.

  • xjwms

    The Listener

    At least the fade is still working, as it is for me.

  • Gollum

    Oh, I like this one.

    Don't change the order of the subsections, or their timing. Think up good illustrations. Remember, it is a talk designed for the public (as if any attend!). Speak extemporaneously.

    So, let me get this straight. I'm supposed to not change the order or timing (which is pretty precise, as I recall), in other words, parrot the script exactly, but i'm supposed to speak extemporaneously. Sums up the general mental confusion of the organization perfectly.

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