With the "new" way JW's are expelled from the congregations how would the congregation know who left on their own(disassociated) themselves or was Disfellowshipped for "wrongdoing". When I left the elders told me that they would tell the congregation that I "disassociated"my self and that would be that. The whole congregation would know that I left on my own and was not expelled for immorality or wrongdoing. But now when JW's want to leave they are announced "no longer one of JW's" so everyone will assume the person committed some sort of wrongdoing. Was the old way causing alot of lawsuits and that is why the change in expelling someone from the congregation? Or is this another way JW's leaders are trying to present themselves to the Govt that they are not a "cult" that throws its members out for anything? Are they trying to make their "shunning"policy less cultlike and more acceptable to the public? I have always had a problem with the shunning policy when I was a good JW's. I just don't think it is christ like to treat former members like dirt on your shoe. Only Jehovah and Jesus should be judging humans not people. Do you think JW's leaders will eventually do away with the announcing and shunning former JW's in the congregations all together? Or will they continue to shun and expell members? Posters what are your thoughts on this. I would like to hear especially from JW's elders or former elders since they know the behind the door mentality of JW's elders.
With the new Disfellowshipping procedure, How will the congo know who left?
by booker-t 18 Replies latest watchtower bible
If someone was DF'd people would assume it was due to their conduct. If someone DA'd people knew they left on their own, and perhaps some would wonder why. I did. With the single announcement the rank and file won't know how many are leaving of their own accord, and will probably assume it was due to immorality, which they love to gossip about.
I don't think the society wants people to know how many are leaving for conscientious reasons.
I agree with finally_free on this issue.
How will the congo know who left?
Thats the whole point of the new format for announcement. Apostacy must run wild, they dont want the r&f to know that people are leaving out of choice.
I agree. If more are leaving on their own now than used to, they most likely don't want the r&f to know that. I would think most would assume df when they hear the announcement.
Perhaps the new announcemnet method, makes 'fading' the best option. Then, when a person has faded for as long as it takes for them to feel comfortable with 'no longer being known as a JW', and its inevitable consequences, they can make their decision known to those JWs they know who still speak to them. Word soon gets around.
me and sirona were talking about this the other day, when people are dfed everyone says 'i wonder what they did thats so bad' when people da themselves people may wonder why? there are questions that need answering!
the society dont want the dubs to know that there is anything wrong with their wonderful organization, there clever aren't they the sneaky beggers!
I'm not arguing the excellent points made here already, but on the other hand... my experience in dubland was that the rank and file viewed someone who DA'd as really really bad! The thinking appeared to be that someone DF'd had, yes, committed some terrible act of wrongdoing, but they were WEAK and made a MISTAKE. And they could repent and come back. But someone who DA'd, wow! They basically thumbed their nose at Jehovah. They left ON PURPOSE, and somehow that was the more heinous crime.
I'm not promoting that view, but in my memory that's how it was in several congos I was in.
With the "new" way JW's are expelled from the congregations how would the congregation know who left on their own(disassociated) themselves or was Disfellowshipped for "wrongdoing".
To create confusion and since JWs love to gossip, some false rumor would spread like wildfire and they would all assume that the "no longer a JW" was a naughty person and got caught.
I agree with Willyloman - all the dubs I ever knew viewed DA as much worse than DF; they looked at those who da'd themselves as the truly "bad" people. I think the new announcement must be because of liability problems. I started a thread on this subject awhile back, but I'm not sure where to find it. Anyway, my theory is that the society changed the announcement to try to lessen the threat of lawsuits, but expects the rank and file in the congregation to make the connection themselves and do the dirty work of shunning.