Good ideas! I especially like Confession's suggestion.
That has bothered me for a long time. On the one hand JWs are told not to trust nobles nor earthling men, and on the other hand they are told to have implicit confidence in them as the only means through which they can attain to salvation.
Outaservice, proandcon, and onesong, your ideas are cool, too. proandcon, I can picture a trivia game like their Bible characters cards.
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.1. Joined the UN Department of Public Information for 10 years between 1991 and 2001
2. Collects unannounced monies from its larger gatherings
3. Claims its publications are uninspired
4. Claims its publications are spirit-directed
5. Claims its publications are fallible
6. Claims its publications are communicating "the Word of God"
7. W. H. Conley was its first president
8. C. T. Russell was its second president
9. It is now a subsidiary of the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses
10. It is based in Brooklyn, New York, USA
How many Witnesses would guess correctly before Clue #8?