My neighborhood is VERY diverse.
There are over 50 different languages spoken by the students at my son's school.
It was about 73 degrees today, November 23.
It is very beautiful here.
The median price of a home here is over $700,000.
We are moving.
by SWALKER 15 Replies latest jw friends
My neighborhood is VERY diverse.
There are over 50 different languages spoken by the students at my son's school.
It was about 73 degrees today, November 23.
It is very beautiful here.
The median price of a home here is over $700,000.
We are moving.
Lisa...very interesting. Can you tell us where you are???
swalker--can i come over for dinner?
I'm in the south San Fransisco Bay Area.
Let's see......the bars stay open until 5 am everynight of the week. Some don't even close at all.
There are a lot of sex shops, one of them is right across the street from a church.
There are all kinds of ethnic restaurants. On one block alone there is a Cuban, Chinese, Italian and Greek restaurant. On the other side of that same street there is Thai food, Cajun, Indian, Sushi and more Italian.
Friday and Saturday nights are very wild here. There are also some meth clinics and smoke shops--not just tobacco either.
Calico---Love to have you stop in for dinner and stay a spell...
Soledad---New York, New York...what else can I say? I LOVE NY
Lisa---Why do they call it the Golden Gate Bridge? looks red to me!