I remember how the Org always encouraged us to be a "good witness" by telling others about our JW activities and putting our theocratic interests above everything else. This is a major JW delusion that anyone who is not a JW will be impressed by our unwavering loyalty to the WT Org.
Just recently my husband had a family reunion we attended in another state. One of his cousins who he had not seen for several years showed up. She and her husband showed up the last day of the 4 day reunion when many of the others had gone home. it just so happens this cousin is a JW. She made a point of telling everyone they had arrived late and missed the major part of a once in a lifetime family reunion, because "they had to attend their JW meeting at the KH because they were indeed JWs" Looking at this objectively now that I have left the JW mindset I could clearly see how this did not impress anyone. I'm sure that most viewed them as delusional fanatics, who cared more about some religious meeting than to commune with their own long lost relatives. Later on in polite conversation my hubby asked about the couple's children. The woman waxed on about her daughter and how wonderful she was doing (obviously still a JW) , but when asked about her son her face turned red and she hung her head--"we don't know where he is we haven't had any communication with him for several years now" (obviously he is no longer a witness). The woman's husband sat in the corner and had a sour look on his face most of the time and didn't say much (was this too another great witness for all to behold?) PS I never let on to anyone that I had been associated with the Org and had a good old time at the reunion without all those JW brick walls that blocked past communications for me.
I met up with an old friend non-JW friend on this trip too. Her daughter was childhood friends with a JW girl. My friend happen to mention the girl and I aked about her. She is no longer a JW. Her parents broke up because her JW father had molested her. The girl went rather wild after that and the story goes on... (Another great witness for all to behold?)
It is truly a part of the great delusion that the witnesses are on the great theocratic stage giving a wonderful witness about Jehovah for the world to behold. It is just another thing to keep them all in line--to keep them separate from people who might break the WT spell--to keep them under control.