Wherever I could look at the pretty girls.... biddie
Where did you sit at the Kingdom Hall?
by truthseeker 29 Replies latest jw friends
My KH had 3 aisles with seats. I almost always sat in the right aisle (to the speaker's left) and ususally the 4th row in from the back, and I had the window seat to myself, except when it was really cold the windows were too drafty.......Yes, our hall had huge bay windows on both sides of the building, but since we were high up on a hill there wasn't much to see.
I would usually look for a seat in the middle section, at the back. That way, if the kids got noisy, I could make a quick exit to the mother's room, and kick one of the other lazy non-mother's outta the comfy chair..... either that, or I'd simply pack up the kids, and go home early. it was also a good place to people-watch. -
I remember some in the hall I went to actually had their favorite seats with friends and would ask you to move because that is where they sit all the time. They had the nerve to ask new ones to move also after they got comfortable.
truthseeker said: (some can actually sleep with their eyes open)
They were watchtower zombies
There are a few long time dubs that you could drive crazy if you had to still attend meetings for some silly reason. I look back to my old hall and noted the number of dubs that would ALWAYS sit in the exact same location...meeting after meeting and year after year.
If you wanted to tease them all you had to do is get there a few minutes early and take their spot...Try that for a few months or so and you would throw the whole congregation into turmoil as you would force them to find new"pews" and thereby force others out of their acustomed spots....I am sure a local needs talk would not be long in coming.....
Nate Merit
FRONT AND CENTER when I was "into" the whole JW trip. As my zeal dissiapted, I gravitated further and further toward the back.
I was about to be made a 'ministerial servant' (how moronic! a 'servant servant') at precisely the time I was crashing and burning.
Nate -
I always preferred sitting near the back. I didn't like becoming a spectacle if I had to get up to go powder my nose, or the noses of my kids. I also hated sitting in the center of a row for that reason.
I never cared if people studied their lessons or not. Really, most of the lessons were so poorly written, I figured you had to be some sort of special genius or excel in attention span to study a lot of the crap. Especially any of the "deep" books and WT lessons. Am I alone in that I used to wonder how they came up with their interpretations of the "deeper" things? I didn't mean it irreverantly, but I honestly thought the emperor really was naked. And it looked to me like no one else noticed.
front. Even with my small children. Ticked the elders off, and they sometimes tried to force me to sit in the back, but I found my kids behaved much better in the front row.
course when I was DF'd, this became a way they could separate me and my children, cause my kids were used to front row and the elders tried to force me to the back without them. b***ards.
always the back unless I got there too late. (front rows were always open)
hate when people are behind me
easier to continually check the clock to see when it was ending
When I was with my parents we would always sit in the middle and we took up practically the whole row (parents+6 kids).
Whenever we would start to fade it always on the side very close to the windows near the back. I got up at least 3-4 times "to use the restroom."