Seen smoking a cigarette

by Godsendconspirator 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Godsendconspirator
    I'd rather smoke a cigarette than enter Jdubs version of "paradise". Regardless, it's not much of a habit as it is something I do occasionally when I'm out with friends.
  • kairos

    Is smoking 1 cig or less a day dangerous?

    That's what I do.

  • Island Man
    Island Man
    Is smoking 1 cig or less a day dangerous?
    That's what I do.

    It's less dangerous than being a chain smoker, but it's still more dangerous than being a non-smoker.

  • bittersweet2K
    How about marijuana?  If it's medicinal and prescribed?  I have a fleshly sister, who's very judgemental and a total bitch who has to go to the elders for permission for almost everything.  She went to the elders and told on a 'sister' who is going through chemotherapy and using marijuana to help with the nausea that she was using it.  At least she talked to a reasonable man who told her if it was prescribed than she can use it, there's many people in the org that do, and it was none of my sisters business.  Haha, chalk up one for a reasonable elder.
  • Finkelstein

    The only difference between cigarettes and religion is that one is bad for your health and the other is bad for your mind.

    That's makes both of them bad for you in the long run.    



  • Island Man
    Island Man

    I just started a new thread on the subject of Watchtower's position on smoking, if anyone's interested:

  • LisaRose

     You know how you feel about a child molester ?  Well that is how they feel about smoking .  Child molester, smoker, child molester,'s a toss up
    They are far harder on smokers than child molesters, if you believe half the stories out there. 

  • bittersweet2K
    LisaRose:  Are you kidding me?  You're comparing a child molester to someone who uses mj to ease their pain through cancer?  you should meet my sister.  the two of you judge every person you see walk by.  wow, what a closed mind
  • exwhyzee

    "Abstain from smoke!"  Any "scripture" that really and actually forbids smoking? Didn't think so!

    Isn't there a scripture that says something like..."Again I tell you, it is easier for a pack of camel filters to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a smoker to enter the kingdom of God."

  • bittersweet2K

    Has anyone heard of edibles????? You don't have to inhale smoke..., you can eat a bit of a cookie, or whatever they have. I personally don't like mj for me. I've tried it maybe 3 times and it made me tired and paranoid. But if it works for others legitamitely (sp?), STOP JUDGING!!!! How about all the others that are having cocktail parties, wine tasting trips, etc. Alcohol is so much worse. How about rx drugs? How many people die from those? Get over your judgemental attitude toward an herb Jehovah created. Its the abuse of it is where the problem lies.

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