I don't know if this thread has been done before, but can anybody think of times that Jehovah's Witnesses were made mention of or joked about in music, tv, or movies? For example,there are a couple of Simpsons episodes, one were Marge alludes to being so desperate for company that Jehovah's Witnesses ran away when she went to get them more lemonade. Another time, two JW's approach the Simpsons' house and one turns to the other just before ringing the doorbell and asks "Ruby, do you ever think we should get real jobs?". hehe. And I can recall one from the X-Files when Mulder jokes about the possible cause of a destroyed doorbell being angry JWs. I can think of more...any one else?
Mention of Jehovah's Witnesses in popular entertainment
by enderby 38 Replies latest jw friends
My favourite reference to JW's was in a sketch show by Hale and Pace - they did a sketch call "Da Management"... first one says "I like Hanging Baskets" - pan out camera so you can just see feet swinging near their heads.. second one says "This one's a Jehovah's Witness"
They've been referred to by loads of comedians - Jasper Carrott often mentioned them - I heard he or his wife studied for a while too.
In an episode of "Raymond" recently, Raymond's Mom and Dad are at the door, and when he opens it, his Mom says...."Hurry up and let us in, before the neighbors think we are Jehovah Witnesses".
The opening clip from the very, very first "Family Guy" TV Show.
Peter Griffin (the father) is talking about how dangerous the neighborhood was on the TV show "Brady Bunch".
Just then there is a knock at the door, and you can see through the front window a woman looking very much like the famous "Aunt Jamima" from the pancake brand of the same name, asking if Peter Griffin wants any pancakes.
After politely refusing, Peter says "In this neighborhood, all we have to worry about is Jamima's Witnesses!" -
In the beginning of the Chris Tucker movie, "Friday". Jehovahs witnesses are ringing the door bell and ringing the door bell finally when the door is answered and they say their not interested the angry JW says "Well, F_CK you then!"
1) Family guy again. Only its the episode where Lois/peter inherit the huge mansion. They break out into song and this butler says "We'll stop jehovahs at the door" then he takes a brochure and smacks the witness in the face.
2) "coming to america" with eddie murphy. John amos (the father from good times) slams the door on his daughter's ex boyfriend and claims it was a jehovah's witness.
3) There were several comedians on "comic view" that joked about witnesses. The funniest being the guy that chose to answer the door naked.
There was a "King of Queens"episode where Doug's neighbor got him involved in a pyramid scheme by selling water filters. Doug got Arthur involved and both of them were desperatelly doing what they could to get people to sign up. There was once scene where Arthur was at the door talking to a man and a woman who were dressed up, you already knew they were JWs. Arthur says "OK here's the deal, I will join your religon if you become a representative of the Sparkle Tap Water company."
I think it was the superman or supergirl movie where the JW's were mentioned... but I can't remember what exactly it was. Maybe someone else can remember it?
I can remember a Law and Order episode where the police knocked on the door and said Jehovah's Witnesses in Spanish to gain entrance.
Or the SNL skit with the shark at the door saying he was a JW.
[ dissolve to Woman #4 in apartment, listening to the radio ]
Radio: ...considered the cleverest of all sharks. Unlike the great white, which tends to inhabit the waters of harbors and recreational beach areas, the Land Shark may strike at any place, any time. It is capable of disguising its voice, and generally preys on young, single women. Experts at the University of Miami's Oceanographic Institute suggest that the best way to scare off the shark in the event of an attack is to hit or punch the predator in the Nose. Now for the weather..
Woman #4: [ turns off radio, as the doorbell rings ] Who is it?
Muffled Voice: Sorry to disturb you, ma'am. I'm from the Jehovah's Witnesses, and thought you might be interested in a copy of our journal, "The Watchtower".
Woman #4: [ grabs a mallet and inches towards the door ] Why, I'd be very interested..
Muffled Voice: Would you mind opening the door, ma'am?
Woman #4: Certainly.
[ she unlocks the door a crack, and reaches out with the mallet to strike the Land Shark's head. Instead of the shark, a Jehovah's Witness stumbles into the apartment and drops onto the floor in front of her. ]
[ SUPER: "The End?" ]
[ fade ] -
When I was last in the UK -I noticed comedian Jasper Carrott always mentions them -believe he is married to a JW but this may be a JW Urban Legend