We're all hypocrites!

by free2beme 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jeffro
    "Emperor penguins grow to over a metre, which is pretty tall as far as birds go."

    Thanks for this tidbit Jeffro. I'm almost 6 feet tall which makes me the tallest penguin I know. ;)

    The penguin is also a contradiction in being a flightless bird. But as a friend once said to me, "penguins fly in liquid sky," so I don't let it get me down. :)

    All very interesting tall penguin (if that is your real name). But I am of the opinion that the ultimate scandalous hypocrisy here is that you are indeed not a penguin at all!!! Don't you feel better now that these horrible lies have been exposed?

  • ghostbuster

    Case 1.If I'm totally against the seal fur trade and cosmetic testing on
    animals but wear leather and accept drugs for ill health am I a

    Case 2.If I was just against seal fur trade but not worried about testing on
    animals does that make me less contradictory hence less hypocritical
    than case 1?

    Case 3. If I'm vehemently against animal testing and the fur trade and never
    knowingly use these kinds of products but never get off my ar*se to
    do anything about animal cruelty am I still a hypocrite?

  • katiekitten

    I dont think changing your belief system is being a hypocrite. That is just a normal function of life - learning, gathering facts, changing according to new information or new situations.

    Professing to hold a belief that you dont actually follow in your life is being a hypocite. Saying one thing and doing another is being a hypocrite. Expecting someone else to adhere to a belief that you dont adhere to yourself, and condemning them for non adherence is being a hypocrite.

    They are two entirely different things.

  • TopHat

    By hypocrite, do you mean when the WTS tells it's members in the KHs to forget higher education but at the same time they send their bethelites to Columbia U?

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I agree with katiekitten. Most of us on here have changed our beliefs, or in some cases no longer have beliefs. That doesn't make us hypocrites, telling others to live by principles we don't adhere to is hypocrisy.

    The biggest hypocrites I can think of at the moment all live in Brooklyn.

  • free2beme

    From what time frame do you call someone a hypocrite though. We say, "If someone says they believe something and we see them say something against it, then their a hypocrite." Yet, how do we not know they did not learn something new a few minutes or days earlier, or maybe it is a form of growth for them to reach beyond their own boundaries to see where their limits really lie. To call someone a hypocrite and say they are speaking against what they profess, is not allowing them to grow and we never know when seeds are being planted and when people are changing into a better person. So I do not agree with the redefined meaning of what I said, that this thread evolved into.

  • Michael3000


  • AlmostAtheist

    I think it's wrong and stupid for smokers to throw their butts down wherever they feel like it, rather than in an ashtray or some other receptacle.

    I flick my ashes ... wherever I feel like it.

    Dave of the "hypocritical" class.

  • tetrapod.sapien
    I think it's wrong and stupid for smokers to throw their butts down wherever they feel like it, rather than in an ashtray or some other receptacle.

    i butt them out on my arm. i am making a design.... then i store them behind my ear, and once a month i take them all out and count them, and then jar them, and sell them back to Camel as Butt Jam.

    heh heh...


  • rebel8

    I was about to make the point that we are all hypocrites about something, but most of us are hypocritical on small issues. For example, people claim to be pro-environment and then sometimes don't recycle; we claim to be against US jobs moving to foreign countries but we all buy the cheap foreign goods, etc., etc.....but Almost Athiest already made this point in a funnier way than I did. :)

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