I'm so sorry you got such an awful email.
My own Brother writes.....
by geevee 30 Replies latest jw friends
Wow, thank you all for the input and understanding, wouldn't it be great if I could send him the link to this page....[probably wont though!!] We are only one of many thousands upon thousands who have to deal with this, and at the same time admitting that at one stage would have done the same to someone else, was blind but now I see.. I will hold off on the reply, at least for a while. There has been so many good ideas that could go into a reply, on the page as well as some private meesages. If I do reply I will post it at the bottom of this page. Thank you all again for your kind support
Just send a very short reply saying that in the event of your family's death, your will is going to leave your money to (ANYTHING) and that he will not get one red cent.Bet he'll jump. Money is the only "necessary" business allowed between JWS and DF or apostates.
And yes - send the link to the whole family. Curiosity really does kill cats. (HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE)
geevee,how distressing!I'm passive\agressive and have the patience of Job.(comes from doing lots of waiting!)I think you are right; do absolutely nothing.Something about the letter tells me he doesn't want dialogue on equal terms but I suspect he does care about you.Just wait....
The writer is a victim , and he is still bound by the blinkers that you have cast off. I have had this line too. "What will I tell your Mother when she is ressurected and you are not there?" - I guess he mens it. He is concerned enough to try and reach out to you . I would treat it in that manner
Something about the letter tells me he doesn't want dialogue on equal terms
That is an inherent problem with JWs of course. They feel that they have the absolute truth and are thus superior to everyone else. This very much catapaults them into the parental role of guiding the wayward child that doesnt know any better. To have a dialogue on equal terms implies that your viewpoint is just as valid, and while some JWs will acknowledge your right to do what you will with your life, they cannot consider it an equal point of view since they feel that it is inherently inferior to their own.
My mother called my sister (who is inactive and has no desire to go back) and told her
that I was dead to her. She stated that she didn't care if she ever talked to me again or not.
What true love the JW's have - LOL
My response would be:
Dear Brother,
Thanks for the note. I'm glad to hear all is well with your family. Everything is fine here. The kids are good and they're enjoying school more than ever.
I hope I'm not being rude, but, I don't appreciate your guilt trip tactics in trying to get me to return to meetings. I am an adult and I have researched and studied on this subject diligently. I came to a decision to leave the religion due to my conscience no longer allowing me to live a lie. While you may not agree with my decision, I would expect my own brother to at least accept my decision as final and not use pressure, guilt or fear to try to coerce me to change my mind.
If you want in-depth reasons for why I made my decision, I will gladly share them with you, but not at the expense of having you heap undue criticism on me just because you don't agree with me.
You're last statement was especially hurtful and mean. Even if you do believe that I am making a bad decision and choosing a bad path, your bringing up our deceased parents was a low blow, meant to hurt. I can't believe someone who claims to be christiain would stoop to such a tactic.
I hope you find happiness in whatever path you decide to take and I would hope that you would wish the same for me. Apparently though, you seem to harbor some resentment or anger against me for something that you have no control over. Maybe you should check your reasons for why you are so against me right now.
I hope we can have our families get together and still have fun, like we used to. I don't see a reason why we can't, unless, you of course, continue to allow a difference of opinion cause you to shun your own family.
yours truly,
I really hate the self-rightous.............
"I am better than you"
the judge-ment, ....is this not a guilt-trip?
So sorry for you to get such a note, .. family