Gilead School Speakers 2005

by Blueblades 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillajwexelder

    Dogpatch - Randy's discussion on it is brilliant - he shows how it completelt blows out of the window one of their most cherished doctrines - the 1935 rule coined by Freddie himself. The majority of GB were born after 1935 - yes 1935 - not 1914 -- 3:1 majority for those born after 1914

  • Seeker4

    Fred Rusk - an old friend. Fred called me a couple of years ago, and I informed him that I was no longer a JW. Told him that the change in the "1914 generation" had been the straw that broke the camel's back as far as me leaving.

    He called the PO in the hall where I had gone after he got off the phone with me to inform him about what I now believed. As if that elder didn't know that already.

    I love that so many of the GB were not only baptized after 1935, when the full 144,000 (according to the WTS, at least!) had already been selected, but by god, these guys were even BORN after 1935. The whole 144,000 teaching is just such incredible bullshit, and anyone with half a brain in the WTS has to realize it by now.


  • wannaexit

    David Walker from the canadian branch. What an odd bird.!!!!!!!!!!

  • serendipity

    Hi Blueblades,

    I'd be interested in seeing your notes on the talks. Thanks for offering.

  • IT Support
    IT Support
    David Walker from the canadian branch. What an odd bird.!!!!!!!!!!

    Wow, it is that Dave Walker, is it?

    If you think he's odd, you should meet his wife (Doreen??)--totally off her head.

  • Blueblades

    Hi Serendipity! Here you go! This will be in brief only for now . Mark Noumair, one of the Gilead instructors, created expection with the title of his talk,"Will You Maintain It? "IT" refers to our gratitude for Jehovah's goodness.

    Ralph Walls of the United States Branch Committee spoke on the theme " Keep Your Eyes Open".He stressed that spiritual blindness is far worse than physical blindness.

    Samuel Herd of the Governing Body answered the question "Are You Ready?" Just as a traveler takes along the clothing he needs, so the graduates must always clothe themselves with the qualities of the new personality.

    Lawrence Bowen another Gilead instructor spoke on the subject " Wil You Be Overtaken" Sticking to their assignments means that Jehovah's blessings will overtake them.

    Wallace Liverance told how it was evident that their sharing in the ministry on week-ends was successful.

    Leonard Pearson of the United States Bethel family spoke with three Branch Committee members, from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Papua New Guinea, and Uganda. These brothers encouraged the graduates to get fully involved in the field ministry.

    Gerrit Losch of the Governing Body talk about witnessing, When are we to give this witness? During "the LORD'S DAY" That day began in 1914, is continuing inour time , and strecthes into the future. ( my thought, if it strecthes into the future, how then is it soon to end?"

    Fred Rusk ende with prayer.


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