The baby survives an abortion. Now what?

by MegaDude 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • MegaDude

    from the article: Fifty Babies a Year are Alive after Abortion

    “They can be born breathing and crying at 19 weeks’ gestation,” he said. “I am not anti-abortion, but as far as I am concerned this is sub-standard medicine.”,,2087-1892696,00.html

  • jeanniebeanz

    Wow... Interesting legal issue... so sad for the little babies...


  • MegaDude

    Talk about an ethical delimma. Sheesh.

    The doctor who led the study said:

    "If a baby is born alive following a failed abortion and then dies (because of lack of care), you could potentially be charged with murder."

    So I guess the UK doctors can attempt to terminate the baby's life but if it beats the odds and makes it through the birth canal alive then it has the right to live.

  • kiddotan

    Wow... Interesting legal issue... ; so sad for the little babies...

    You said.

    I'm not against abortion, but it's only legal here until 12 weeks, unless medically deemed otherwise.

    I've had 6 miscarriages, 4 over 12 weeks. One at 21 weeks, and he tried to live, but was very underdeveloped. The Doctors tried everything. So not sure how the babies would do after they survived that, the fight to try and keep them alive it huge.

  • LuckyNun

    for a while, my sister worked at a Planned parenthood in Kansas City, and they were scrupulous about stopping the heart before the abortion. the worst thing that happened was sometimes the RU486 pill wasn't taken properly by the woman or she didn't follow-up, resulting in a developing fetus with horrible defects, which then had to be given the shot to stop the heart before inducing delivery. from what I know, it's about as humane as they can make it for the mother and baby. the people I know who work in clinics who perform abortions are very caring and empathetic. they don't "murder babies with glee", as one pro-life person put it. they try to make a sad reality (unwanted pregnancies are a fact of life that can't be ignored) as humane as possible for everyone involved.

    probably the best way to prevent later-term (and possibly survivable) abortions is to make it so women and girls aren't afraid to seek help immediately. also, it's pretty obvious the UK doctors must be more scrupulous about stopping the heart BEFORE the procedure.

  • kiddotan

    probably the best way to prevent later-term (and possibly survivable) abortions is to make it so women and girls aren't afraid to seek help immediately.

    Luckynun - I agree, I think this would the best solution, it's scary and painful enough for them as it is.

  • hamsterbait

    There was a case in the 80s, where a foetus at 18 weeks, was left on a tray, while the doctors tried to save the mother ( she had gone into hemorrage and shock) After 40 mins or so, it was still crying, and a young nurse, unable to bear the upset took it up to pediatrics and lied, that this was a premature birth. After being put in an incubator, the baby lived. And is now a young adult.

    The mother died.

    The nurse lost her job.


    I knew a doctor who performed abortions, once. "They always sqwauk and cry, but that's just a reflex on being exposed to the air. I have a colleague who drowns them in formalin."

  • LuckyNun

    hmmm...I'm not pulling anything up online about an 18-week-old fetus surviving an abortion and growing up to adulthood. do you have names and dates? otherwise, it sounds like an urban legend made up to portray people who perform abortions as heartless-evil-Nazi-death-mongers.

  • calico

    I read a book about a baby who survived an abortion and is now an adult. The title is "Gianna" and the author is Jessica Shaver.

  • vitty

    Im really on the fence when it comes to abortion. There are many reasons why a woman would go through with an abortion, and I dont believe many take the decision to do it lightly.

    But I feel there is a difference between aborting a blob of undeveloped cells and a baby that "needs" a needle in the heart to make sure its dead.

    Where that line is drawn I dont know, but to have such a late abortion that you must go through labour and must "kill" that baby first to me is not acceptable.

    I know in the UK they are trying to change the law, for the limit to be 18 weeks, and I hope they do !

    What I have noticed is that there was a thread a few months back on whether abortion was right or wrong, there were a few pages dedicated to it and the majority I thought, said they were in favour of it.

    Its strange how this thread has had such a lack of response, maybe when we read the reality of what happens its seems harder to justify

    As I said im still asking my mind up. And im not critizing anyone just an observation !

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