Im really on the fence when it comes to abortion. There are many reasons why a woman would go through with an abortion, and I dont believe many take the decision to do it lightly.
But I feel there is a difference between aborting a blob of undeveloped cells and a baby that "needs" a needle in the heart to make sure its dead.
Where that line is drawn I dont know, but to have such a late abortion that you must go through labour and must "kill" that baby first to me is not acceptable.
I know in the UK they are trying to change the law, for the limit to be 18 weeks, and I hope they do !
What I have noticed is that there was a thread a few months back on whether abortion was right or wrong, there were a few pages dedicated to it and the majority I thought, said they were in favour of it.
Its strange how this thread has had such a lack of response, maybe when we read the reality of what happens its seems harder to justify
As I said im still asking my mind up. And im not critizing anyone just an observation !