Trouble For Richie

by RichieRich 118 Replies latest jw friends

  • RichieRich

    Last night at the meeting, a young brother about my age was on "privilege overload". He was running the mikes, commenting, and said the closing prayer.

    The whole time, my mom just stared at me. After the meeting, my mom asked me how I felt about what he was doing. I told her that all that running he was doing would only make him tired once he got home.

    Then, she began to... APOLOGIZE. She apologized for overreacting to the situations I've been in, both in March, and now. Because she apparently now realizes that I'm not dependent on her, and that the distancing which she so often threatens me with is actually happening now.

    She said that the Elders hate talking to me, because I don't show any emotion. That's right folks, I am a brick wall of Apostatness.

    She even went so far as to say that being punished for having a mysace would be a waste- because really, the witnesses were doing it to talk to each other. So all they would be doing is weakening the relationships between JW youth in our area, which could drive some to worldly association.

    I was dumbstruck.

    So, I guess I'm gonna keep the internet. I love these mind games. I always win.

  • luna2

    YAY! Go Richie!

    Poor old Mom...being a JW is really tough. She's probably so rough on you because she knows she can't turn your father and she wants to have someone in the New Sys with her. I know I couldn't bear the thought that my kids wouldn't make it into paradise...I did and said some things in my desperation that I really, really regret now.

    You know, it was really when I understood that my sons would never become JW's that I started withdrawing from it myself. You may be the catalyst for your mother waking up eventually too.

  • jgnat

    Wow. Hillbilly might be right. This is what I read between the lines:

    She said that the Elders hate talking to me, because I don't show any emotion.

    The elders told your mother that they hate talking to you, because you don't show any emotion. Good on you, Richie! You are off the JW guilt-train!

    She even went so far as to say that being punished for having a mysace would be a waste- because really, the witnesses were doing it to talk to each other. So all they would be doing is weakening the relationships between JW youth in our area, which could drive some to worldly association.

    The elders are getting tired of your mom's tirades, too, and told her the above, nearly word for word.

  • La Capra
    La Capra

    Tuned in for my morning cup of Trouble for Richie, and noted what jgnat said.

    I want to add, that the elders have probably sensed what your future holds (if they have not downright predicted it amongst themselves). If that is the case, your mother is soon to be a sole "sister" with an unbelieving mate, and is of no use to them.

    They won't waste time trying to get you if they know they have lost, and they won't help her because she has nothing left to offer them. I saw this happen to my mom (my dad is not a JW) when my two brothers did their respective straying.

    Your mom got the brush off and perhaps she realized that all she really has is you and your dad. For my mom, she still jumps through hoops trying to maintain imaginary status in her congregation (everyone uses her kind heart and generous spirit).

    Try not to abandoned your mom if it can be avoided. Now study hard.


  • jgnat

    Interesting comment, La Capra. Indeed, women with non-JW partners have no status.

    A woman in a similar situation in our hall retains congregation member's interest by spreading nasty JW gossip of corrupt halls and wacky JW threesomes. She sees Satan's fingers in every newspaper clipping, and personally knows by a friend from a friend that there are Satanic covens meeting in our very own community. She was the first to shun us.

    Yet, her beautiful and intelligent and obedient JW daughter is firmly single with no prospects in sight.

    No status, no status at all.

  • Bryan
    women with non-JW partners have no status.

    Wow, jgnat, I never thought of that until you said it. I remember as a servant trying to help these "sisters". They fought so hard just to get their children to the meetings, but yet, they were like people who just showed up at the meetings. Were as the elders wives were most always "big" in the congo. You could see/hear them as they would shout each others name and wave as they crossed those "other sisters" in the isle, to give a big hug.


    You sound very wise for your age dude. Good on you! I think we all are really enjoying "The Days of Our Richie's Life.

    Be good dud.


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • joelbear

    just more proof in how being a JW hampers a healthy bond between parent and child.

  • Billygoat


  • bitemeWT
    Indeed, women with non-JW partners have no status.

    Before I was df'd, my mom took care of the accounts for the congregation. I was df'd 1800 miles away from the congregation that I grew up in at the age of 22. She tryed to hide it from her cong. Eventually, the news traveled thru the rumour mill. I don't know all the details of the crap that went down, but my mom got privately reproved and one of her closest friends got df'd. It looked very much like a case of "You're old. You're the only JW in your family now (I had been a reg. pioneer), we don't need you anymore."

    I wish I had been deprogrammed when this all happened. I might have been able to get her out. Now... no way.

    Richie, you give em heck. Oh, and tell them to bite you. (only use the last piece of advice as the last resort. )

  • RichieRich
    Your mom got the brush off and perhaps she realized that all she really has is you and your dad. For my mom, she still jumps through hoops trying to maintain imaginary status in her congregation (everyone uses her kind heart and generous spirit).

    My mother is more like your mother.

    I would say that the worse thing about my situation is that I see the pain and anquish which it causes my mother.

    But, if she can't think for herself or unconditionally love her child, what is there that I can do for her?

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