Today, I had a phone message from the husband of my former study conductor/friend!! He (they) were calling to see how we were doing. They were like brother and sister to me. This is very shocking because 9 months ago, I wrote an email to a few people, including them, telling them my thoughts on religion, god, witnesses, etc. They want to talk about that email, too. Why, after all this time, though?!
I would be thrilled if they're out. All year long, I've missed them greatly. They are such good people, and I hate to think of them trapped in that cult any longer. I'm hoping to call them later tonight. I can't imagine the end of the shunning.
And if they're still gung ho witnesses, then I definately can't deal with that now. I've got too much drama going on nowadays.
Here's the note I sent-- (LURKERS, ENJOY!)
I hope all is well. I've been going through a lot lately on the inside...personal reflection, I guess. Among the thoughts I've had is the concept of religion. Lately, it's been my faith in God. It grew stronger until dec. 26, when the tsunami occurred.
First, on religion....I don't believe in it anymore..none of them. None of them are 100% right. I don't believe the faithful and discreet slave class are witnesses, only, either. It isn't right to keep putting people in classes, whether it be clergy, pseudo-clergy, classes based on how many years a person's put into a religion. I don't believe that the governing body or anyone in bethel for that matter is any closer to God than any other human being on this planet. I will believe what Jesus said: "No one comes to the father except through me." I've chosen to take that to heart. My eyes opened when I accepted this. I can't bring myself to ever enter into any religion again. I'm aware of the verse in Hebrews.."when two or more gather in my name...", yet religion itself is not based on the bible.
They're all hypocritical in some way. C.T. Russell was a 7th day Adventist...then left, so started the watchtower as an 'apostate'. We're warned of the UN being the wild beast yet it was ok for the society to be a part of them??!! Library purposes or not, it's no excuse to be a part of them yet preach otherwise during the talks and magazines.
This is from the UN's website...not an apostate site. n/watchtower.pdf
I really feel like religion, all of them, while having some things right, also have a lot of power...power that goes beyond what is written. It's the blind leading the blind as far as I'm concerned. I can't even bring myself to positively say I'll attend the memorial because I don't agree with everything that is taught. Not to mention Jesus told the apostles to take this in remembrance. He ate the bread and drank the wine. That is what we should do as well.
At the last talk I attended, I couldn't even sit through it all. I refuse to be controlled by men, men who are imperfect. Or worse, made to feel guilty inside if I don't go along with everything they say 'comes from Jehovah'. I know that to not be true.
Since the watchtower frowns upon people like me who do not and will not agree with them, I'm sure I've got a new label now.
Just know that I love you.
Your 'worldly' friend,