I agree with Megadude. This is beyond third hand information. If there was an actually child in the house, I may respond differently.
I am curious if what he was actually looking at was indeed child porn? No, he shouldn't be solicitating 15 year olds online...but you only have what..third or fourth hand hearsay that he was doing these things or looking at kiddie porn? He could have been looking at barely legal porn, and his girfriend assume it was porn.
Also, 15 year olds..no that isn't stricly pedophelia if they have already entered adolenscence. Confusion is right about that.
I say stay out of it...completely out of it. Now, if your boss wants to do something...that is something altogether different. The most you probably should do is say to your boss...hey if you feel these things are true, why don't YOU do something about it?
Knowingly marrying a pedofile
by Billygoat 20 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
So far megadude has stated closely to what I'm feeling this morning. It's fourth hand heresay by the time it got to me. What police officer is going to do anything about that??? Legally, what can they do about it???
I say stay out of it...completely out of it. Now, if your boss wants to do something...that is something altogether different. The most you probably should do is say to your boss...hey if you feel these things are true, why don't YOU do something about it?
That's the thing...my boss and I don't have the same relationship as we used to before she laid me off (and then gave me my job back) several months ago. The one time I've approached her with something personal (and it was a moral discussion) she went OFF on me. I don't approach her about squat anymore.
Why Georgia
I know a lot of people have mentioned that this is 3rd or 4th hand information and the girlfriend could have been making it up to make him look bad to his friend/acquaintance - your boss.
But this does happen, and it really irks me that men do this. We have a very beautiful niece who is 14 - she has a baby kid face and a grown up body and men who are over adults and some over 40 look at her in a very sexual way and make comments....they should know better. And she isn't dressed in a provacative manner either!
Anyway...I digress.
But if you could get this guys email address or IP address the police or vigilante groups could track this person and see if he is currently a creep trying to have sex with underage minors or in the past has done these things.
As I've said before, there are online vigilante groups that do the work for the police then turn all the information they have gathered over to the police.
If it really bothers you, you could send an anonymous letter to the police department. Then your conscience would be clear.
But if you could get this guys email address or IP address the police or vigilante groups could track this person and see if he is currently a creep trying to have sex with underage minors or in the past has done these things.
As I've said before, there are online vigilante groups that do the work for the police then turn all the information they have gathered over to the police.
What vigilante groups are you talking about? I think I'd rather contact them than the cops. Let them do the work and if there's anything worth looking into, THEY can turn it over. Do you have an suggestions? Names?
Why Georgia
This link mentions an online vigilante group called perverted justice. I'm sure there are others.
I'm sure they could at least point you in the right direction. Maybe?
Here's what the law says:
Any adult who has a SUSPICION that a child is being physically, sexually or emotionally abused MUST report to law enforcement.
The statute strongly favors the protection of the child.
Because the statute is so loose, an anonymous report is possible.
Failure to report in Texas is a criminal offense.
(If you'd like a copy of the statute by email, drop me an email..)
ALWAYS report any suspicion of abuse. If it's wrong, so be it.
If he has played with this before, a report may get his attention.
Kimberlee D. Norris
attorney at law
once a pedaphile always a pedaphile
"Confession" is right. While the above statement is 99% right it doesn’t apply to Tom as he wasn’t into pedophilia. In fact, in some states the age of consent is as low as 15 or 16. So Tom might not have been doing anything illegal. I would agree though that Tom has a problem that could develop into something that is definitely illegal. Beverly has reason to be concerned since Tom seems to be interested in girls young enough (or almost) to be his grand child.
That's the thing...my boss and I don't have the same relationship as we used to before she laid me off (and then gave me my job back) several months ago. ; The one time I've approached her with something personal (and it was a moral discussion) she went OFF on me. ; I don't approach her about squat anymore.
I wouldn't bother to discuss politics or religion or morality with my boss. These discussions tend to lead to flaming arguments and people generally cannot discuss them rationally without feeling high emotion. I'm at my job to work. Not convert. The less your boss knows about your personal life the better.
If you could report your suspicions anonymously then I would consider doing so. Then you might look for another job. It is quite possible the people involved will suspect you of reporting him. What subsequent actions that will bring is anybody's guess. It could shake out a number of ways.
Doubtfully Yours
But Tom makes way too much money and provides way too much physical comfort for her to say no. I hope her new big house, Mercedes, and country club membership are worth it. And I hope he burns in hell.
If in fact there's a hell or a similar place where we go to pay for our knowingly wrong doings, I sincerely hope this woman you speak of, and all other women like her, burn right along with their men.
There's a similar case in the news today about a woman that has been set free after having spent 12 years in prison for helping her husband rape and kill a couple of young girls back in the 90s. This demon of a woman claimed that she was battered and she did it to protect herself and her family.
I fully trust Supreme beings are watching. People such as the woman of your story along with the woman that was just set free from prison, and many other women in similar situations must not/should not survive much longer, and neither should they all die a dignified death.
With no evidence, they probably won't even do anything ...politely nod and write "notes" and secretly wonder what vendetta you have against the "accused."
I am sorry but I find that disturbing. With that logic, you are playing FBI yourself. They have investigative expertise and experience, coupled with the responsibility and authority to act--all things us "civilians" do not have. You cannot possibly predict what will be done with the info. It is a guess. They may be able to look up this guy's internet activity or whatever. There is NO harm in reporting it; there is potential harm in NOT reporting it. Seems the best choice is to report it and let the authorities decide what to do, since that is their job, not ours. If it was my kid, I'd really appreciate someone reporting it and I can only imagine what I'd do if the person who failed to report it to met me in a quiet dark alley someday.
Billygoat, are there Codependents Anonymous groups nearby? This woman could really benefit from it.