I've been thinking about this sort of thing for a while, the ethics of apostacy. People are held in the jws by phobias, trigger words that pull them back into the cult think. I think theres a fine line between doing something to help a jw get out, and going too far and triggering a phobia that sucks them back in and reinforces their faith.
If someone wants help, there is plenty here to be had.
There is plenty to be had, but the person first needs to realise that they need help to be able to look for it. The methods of persuasion used in groups like jws make it so they don't realise just how powerfully they are being manipulated. If something is harmful, is it less harmfull because the person doesn't realise its happening? And if you saw somebody walking into danger and could do something to prevent it, would you just let them carry on and do nothing?
If you go out looking for it and its all you do, then you might be a slave of it, but if something falls in your lap, all it takes for evil to prevail is enough good men to do nothing.
I think that when people like that come to the site and vent, then its no good venting back because all that does is convince them that what the wbts said about apostates is true and stops them from looking at any other material. If you had a puppy that didn't know any better and urinated on your floor, would you kick it or housetrain it?