Is the Christian god a spoiled brat?

by free2beme 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    I was thinking today, as I dealt with my son trying to throw a fit for not getting something he wanted, "you know this kind of behavior makes him look like a spoiled brat." Yet it also makes him act like the Christian god, so maybe that is something the world would accept. You see, when the Bible mentions this loving God, then describe him like this ...

    God created mankind (the first couple) with free will. Then when they actually used it, rather then working with them further to grow to be better and more complete, he threw a fit and killed them off and destroyed the perfect world he wanted. He got so upset that he actually continued to make it worse, by killing that generation and each one to follow. Wait though, to get his way he gets his son involved and sends him to earth to die for all mankind. Oh how loving, and all the people worship him for it.

    ... worship him for it? Why, because he through a fit when his creation actually used something he gave them. If my son went to such extremes, when he did not get his way, it would involve a long talk and maybe a smacked bottom. It would not involve me telling him that it was okay, as long as he sent someone else to our house later to get their way in his place. What is the bible teaching people? Love? Love of what, a God who is "jealous" and god who is "angry" (quoted as the Bible does say this). I don't remember that God seeming very loving until the New Testament, and even then, it seems like two different religions that have nothing in common.

    I would not want my son to act like a spoiled brat, and more so then I would bet anyone would. I see people mention all the time, that Witnesses wear blinders to their own faith and responsibility. Well, isn't that the case with all those who read the Bible and ignore the obvious? What loving father would kill their children for not following their rules? "Sorry son you threw a fit, but it's time to bring out the 12 Gauge and teach you a loving lesson! Don't worry about it though, as I will make up for it later by raising you from the dead and giving you another chance to please me, or get the fire pit." Can you feel the love?

    In the defense of Christian myth, it did get a lot of it's beliefs from neighboring Mediterranean religions and their God's were a little rough too. Remember the Titan's (good movie, but not the same thing), Zeus had to trick his father into eating a rock when he was eating his young to save the God's. Not to mention the fact that Zeus fathered all sorts of woman and let them endear harsh lives and trails to show their worthiness to live among the gods (wait, did Christianity borrow a thought like that too?)

  • riverofdeceit

    All gods are spoiled. Thats the general reason for being a god.

  • AuldSoul

    Is the God "Science" a fickle prude with a corncob shoved up its ass?

    Is the earth mother a shameless hussy of a whore?

    Is free2beme starting topics that could be considered inflammatory if it was applied to beliefs other than Christianity?

    Not that I am offended, but I can easily imagine lurkers leaving the site. Just posting in fun to recommend a bit of circumspection in topic title. I would prefer people to feel invited here instead of scared away by having their beliefs shamelessly derided. This is posted in Friends, which the lurkers can see.

    Being free2beyou isn't license to deride everyone you disagree with. Your portrait of God is only an expression representing one tiny sliver of Christian believers. But you assert my beliefs and those of many others as though you speak for all Christians. Your portrayal is pitifully ill-informed.

    If you want to ADVOCATE non-worship, please feel free. If you want to denigrate worship, you will step on a lot of toes.

    In answer to the question you raised: No, the Christian God is not a spoiled brat. But I am beginning to wonder about you.


  • Mr. Neutron
    Mr. Neutron

    What about inflammatory statements made about JWs? What about the way JWs are shamelessly derided- often through half-truths, spun-truths and outright lies, or just childish name-calling (i.e. "borg," "drones," "stupid," "uneducated," etc.)?? The majority of posters shamelessly deride JWs as well as asserting that the ones that they are familiar with represent the beliefs of ALL JWs... Would you respond to the majority of posters who act this way when discussing JWs as you do to this person because she doesn't limit her comments to just JWs but to Xians as a whole?

  • AuldSoul

    They are encouraged not to do so in the Friends section.


  • JamesThomas

    Reading this thread reminded me of a friend I once had whose husband emotionally and physically abused her. One day I mentioned what an asshole he was, and she raised up like a wild cat to defend him, saying it was me and my degrading opinions that were at fault, and that her husband was a loving man.

    The god portrayed within the pages of the Bible can easily be seen as less than kind, far worse than a "brat", and in many instances down right vile. What does placing such a hurtful image in the position as the "most high" form of love and morality, do to us? Do not think for a moment that our cherished religious beliefs do not effect us at a core level. If our master model of "love" of which we are to imitate is known to kill wholesale, is there any wonder the magnitude of mans inhumanity to man?

    If we really care about people, is it wrong to point this out? Indeed some people coming to an open forum will not be able to withstand the heat and will be offended. Let's face it, some people are so afraid that it's best they remain in a box and surround themselves only with those who think and believe as they do.


  • doofdaddy

    Once again you beat me to it James Thomas!! Ha ha

  • IP_SEC

    I vote yes in answer to this thread.

  • free2beme
    In answer to the question you raised: No, the Christian God is not a spoiled brat. But I am beginning to wonder about you.

    Wow, felt the need to tell me off, did you? In any sense, your comment is not backed up by anything. I explained why I see god as a spoiled brat and you simply say "he is not." How about some thought provoking ideas here, or maybe even something I could think about. Instead you want to express a limit to my speaking freedom and say, no, without discussing this. Sounds like talking to my Witness relatives when I say something they are afraid to think about, they just say "no" and avoid the subject.

    I think my subject is a good one by the way ... I do spoil myself a lot though. I admit that, I want pizza tonight and I am going to buy a pizza.

    If we really care about people, is it wrong to point this out?

    Your standing in quick sand, but I don't want to offend you by telling you. In case you meant to stand in quick sand, or maybe even you were a quick sand worshipper. You know, I value the fact that someone said something to me as a Witness that made me uncomfortable enough to go further and to avoid any warnning or negative in a religion is never healthy. You yourself expressed this and I know you must realize I am saying something that is true.

  • AuldSoul

    Well, free2beme, by definition the Christian God would start in Matthew, at the earliest, in Scripture. Technically, the first reference to Christians is in Acts. (Acts 11:26) Prior to that the Bible only talks about the Judean God.

    As a start, I'll just take all your references in your post and grant that they apply very nicely to the Judean God, while pointing up that you state you don't see God as loving until ... [drumroll please] d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d - PSH! THE NEW TESTAMENT. You apparently failed to pick up on the significance of the NT in relation to Christianity. You did specify the "Christian God" in your original question, did you not?

    Well, do you find the NT God of the Christians to be loving, or a spoiled brat? I find the Christian God to be loving. And since you didn't establish ANY basis for your statements regarding the Christian God (NT) and only referred to the Judean God, I figured you didn't care whether there was a countervailing viewpoint.

    But since you have made it clear you do care, I took the first step and offered something of a rationale for the Christian God not being a spoiled brat. Of course, I developed the rationale from your post. I hope you don't mind. I'll post more later after you have posted in response.

    BTW, I wasn't telling you off. It is a rare post where I tell someone off. I am rather more direct than a lot of people are comfortable with sometimes, but...I suppose should have put it like this: "But I am beginning to wonder about you ." It was an instance of an omitted smiley where one should have been, a rarity on this forum. I apologize for any misunderstanding.

    As a friendly aside, if you want thoughts and viewpoints maybe a yes/no model isn't the best way to frame your question. Open questions usually work better for that.


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