I did, I was thinking of how many JWs are either a little weird, a bit eccentric or even borderline crazy! We had one man in our Hall that used to love giving people he liked duck eggs. He'd try to get you to eat them before meetings for field service. WACKO! I knew one sister that always cried. That's what she always did. Always filled up with watery eyes. I know of a close to 60 year old "boy" that still lives with his ancient mommy who combs his hair every morning before he goes out in service......Do you know of any wackos??
Did You Know A Lot Of Witnesses That Were A "Little Fruit Loops"?
by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends
too many to mention
OH ya
mimimus... duck eggs and mommy combing hair
oh my thats gotta be little more than fruit loops ...eh?
Actually, not any more than in my non-JW world.
I remember going with my father, an elder, to another elder’s house about twice a month or so because his wife had called for help. This other elder, the
I'll try again.
I remember going with my father, an elder, to another elder’s house about twice a month or so because his wife had called for help. This other elder, the
We had a sister in our hall who was literally paranoid schitzophrenic! I always thought she was cool tho...
Then we had another one who would beat her husband black eyed and bruised! I think maybe the elders let her slide because she was the congregation holier than thou, watchdog, snitch! So much for wifely submission!
Same sister's father in law would pick and eat his boogers during the meeting giving me and my siblings much after the meeting ride home laughter. It was not so funny when he shot and killed my dog and hung a rooster by it's neck and left it in the tree. (my dad((RIP)) beat him up!)
So many fond memories....
Yep I would have to say that in my old hall there was just as many 'fruit loops' as there were 'normal' people ...and maybe even more!
There were a few that had obvious mental problems but for the most part they seemed harmless. You find people like that anywhere, and they're generally easier to get along with than elders with an overinflated sense of self importance.
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