How does one get marked?

by On the Fence 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AuldSoul
    How does one get marked?

    With a Sharpie?

    Tattoo needles?

    Cat claws?

    Particularly happy bed mate?

    Walking into doors or getting into fights?

    Stealing bank money with dye tags?

    Stubbing a toe really hard?

    Having parents who were fond of the name Mark?

    Doing something else to offend/annoy the teacher after your name is already on the board? (frequent personal experience)

    Which one did you have in mind?


  • blakky

    Being marked huh?

    I was marked because i shaved my head...Had it shaved for about three years.

    The elders would be nice and friendly with all my family, invite them out to dinner at their place, play sports, movies and other outings but would exclude me from the invite???

    I was pissed off but really didnt care.

    This one elder is so friendly with my older and younger brothers, but would not even acknowledge me even if i standing in front of him.

    His wife was really nice, she always spoke to me. The son was friends with younger brother and would talk to me. But the daughter whom i really close with suddenly grew an 'im too good for' attitude.

    Here in Aus, shaving your hair to a number 0 was a big NO NO. I stood out at circuit assemblies and DCs.

    I finally grew my hair back cause i wanted to, and had to start using 'product' again. i saved so much money having no hair.

  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Hi Fence Sitter

    Thats just religion, not just JW's. Any organized religion I've ever been part of has been the same way, it's simply human psychology. The only way to be free of it is to die, because even "secular" non-religious people do it. Hell I do it but not to the same degree by any means. I try to live and let live.


  • On the Fence
    On the Fence

    Wow, your responses have really shed some light on this for me. IMHO, It all comes right back down to "Judge not lest ye be judged" I guess that doesn't apply if you're a self-righteous JW who either doesn't do anything wrong or hides it well enough as to not get "Marked". Well at least I know it wasn't my personallity that was keeping people from socializing with me. Rather it was my worldy boyfriend, friends, job, car, boots, dog, nail polish, ability to think for myself, obvious boredom at the WT meetings, family, choice of toilet paper, fondness for indian food, etc, etc, etc....

    Thanks everyone!

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