Anyone here know much about Cat Psychology ??

by bull01lay 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • bull01lay
    I cant stand the KITTY LITTER BOX. That is the nasty thing

    I don't like the whole litterbox thing either - the kitten was my wife's xmas present (a little early, but I think she figures if she has it now, I'll get her something else for the day !! I've got her figured out !!! ) - so the deal is that she takes care of that side of things...

    I want to teach him to use the toilet eventually - I'm imfored that it can be done !

    first couple of months i'd keep the cat indoors

    He's gonna be an indoor cat anyway E - strangely enough it's in our contract of sale !


  • Lilycurly


    How can you say that! I just hope it isn't true, what you did. If so, it was very irresponsible. Cats depend on you, and people like me are working hard everyday to save those poor strays and abandonned animals.

    Lily, the now very depressed mommy of two beautiful kitties. (And keeping two others at the moment.)

  • Jez

    I have never liked cats, but got a kitten for my husbands birthday because he adores them, now back to topic, this kitten was 100% friendly from the moment we picked it up in the store. We spent alot of time with him before we bought.

    When we brought him home, he immediately settled in, no problem. He plays with my 2 dogs, sleeps beside them, sleeps with us every night, bascially he is perfect and very outgoing but very cuddly. He insists when we come home from work, that we pick him up and kiss/cuddle him. It is like he knows that if he is not on his best behaviour, that he will go mysteriously missing.

    Now if only I could get him to stop sucking on and kneading a blanket, or my shirt at 4am in the morning. I hate that noise. Jez

  • Sunnygal41
    Theres that meaness I was talking about! Lighten up would ya?

    what a hypocrite! someone who would dump a cat without a qualm is about as mean and irresponsible as they come. what a jerk you are.

  • GoingGoingGone

    I had a cat years ago that was the most cuddly thing from the day we got her til the day she died...She hated other cats, but people she loved. When she died, we decided to get 2 kittens so they could keep each other company. One of them will follow us around like a dog. It doesn't matter where we are or what we are doing, she has to be there - but don't try to touch her or pick her up! She'll rub against our legs, but all contact has to be on her terms. She's sitting on the chair next to me now, purring!

    The other cat is extremely cuddly. She'll wake me up at night by licking and then gently chomping on my hands or feet, because she wants to be petted.... she'll lay on my pillow and purr loudly... she tries to jump in my lap when I'm eating.... but when she gets her fill of petting and loving, she wanders off.

    Then we have cat #3, who my daughter brought home as a tiny kitten that someone found on the highway. The first couple of weeks, the kitten was cuddly... then suddenly decided that she didn't like being picked up or petted, and began biting and hissing and growling. She was like that for months, then we had a house guest who fell in love with this cat - picked her up and cuddled with her and wouldn't let her go even when she started biting and growling. After a while, the cat started putting up with it. When our houseguest left, the cat started sleeping in my son's bed.... Go figure....


  • Lilycurly

    That's kind of what I wanted to say...except I couldn't find appropriate words that are usable on a public message board so I posted that other reply. I'm even more angry when I keep thinking about it. Irresponsible and jerk are actually quite tame. To think I was starting to get a soft spot for you, D. Talk about christian behavior.sheesh.

  • desbah

    I owned several cats...some of my cats were indoor and outdoor cats. To train a indoor cat it take time and patience and they make good companions but I prefer a outdoor cat mainly its because they are natural born hunters. My outdoor cats learn the skills of hunting rodents and one of my cat (Elvis) even learn to kill small snakes and lizards. The only problem that I have with outdoor cats is that they fight with other cats, so we have to bring them inside the house (laundry room) for their protection. From what I'm told when a outdoor cat is about to pass away they leave their owners...anyone know if this is true?

  • Jez

    Will the suckling stop? (see my above post)

    and we are going to build a big outdoor cage in the spring for "George" so he stops hunting my dogs and my feet.


  • defd

    lily..............hold on dont lose that soft spot just yet. That part was just a joke. I do have cats. I really dont like cat litter part. Sorry


  • bull01lay


    Got home form work tonight - lots of kitten type behaviour. Playing, running under your feet as you walk. Still fairly timid - will run off if there's a sudden noise or movement, but his behaviour tonight was much more encourageing.

    He's started eating a bit more now, so I'm hoping ( is that the right word) to find a 'deposit' in his litter tray tomorrow. He hasn't taken a dump since he got here - not one we can find anyway ! But there's absolutely no cat smell or 'unpleasant odours' coming from anywhere in the house, so I think he's been good so far....

    Here's a link to the page he was advertised on, if anyones interested: (excuse the corny music!)

    I didn't like his face when I saw him on the net - thought he looked like a persian with a 'moggies head', but he's taken on the full persian face now and is absolutely gorgeous !!! I'll post some piccies at some point when he's up for posing !!

    Enjoying all your kittie stories and replies - even yours defd ! I hope you were joking !!!


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