I gotta tell ya that this Midnight crew on this board are BORING. I cannot wait to get back to Ist shift. I miss all the insults and attitude I got from yall. Strange huh? See ya in about a month.
Def D
by defd 36 Replies latest jw friends
I gotta tell ya that this Midnight crew on this board are BORING. I cannot wait to get back to Ist shift. I miss all the insults and attitude I got from yall. Strange huh? See ya in about a month.
Def D
Hey us Aussies ain't that boring you get to talk to us if you stay up late....
And may I ask how can you attend those meetings by day and work by night.? is there no room for sleep????
If your really that bored go and kill some spiders, you'll be doing the whole world a favor
I remember when you first came here. You were laid back when it came to the JWS, Now you are fitting right in with the rest of them.
I remember when you first came here. You were laid back when it came to the JWS, Now you are fitting right in with the rest of them.
DefD, I've tried to be insulting and you never even respond, maybe I'll have to try harder,
JW they insult me in a nice way. The mean insults I dont care for. Like the way under traets me. She is a mean mean lady.
If you are so bored maybe you can take this slow time to answer a few questions? like why do you believe the men in Brooklyn are the fds? why are elders allowed to micromanage peoples lives? does God change His mind? why so many changes and flip flops in the wt? are elders/brooklyn simply modern day pharisees? why are the r&f not allowed to go to Christ as their mediator but must go through the 144,000? is that biblical? just a few to get you started.
you tell him Carla!
Anyone specifically?
Should your wife know about this?