How would you rate Jw's on a spiritual scale......
by AK - Jeff 45 Replies latest jw friends
On the minus scale.
Golf -
Nate Merit
They receive a zero, the big goosegg, nada, nicht, zip. Religion is about bowing to an external "authority" and believing a set of dogmas, and engaging in external modes of behavior designed to either placate/mollify an external deity and/or the "authority" figure. Religion is not spirituality and, in general, does not result in any spiritual development. How could it?
Spirituality is the opposite. No external authority, other than people one decides to learn what one can from, and then move on. No dogmas, simply some practices that enable one to access the Divine within. Staying open minded as one grows rather than clinging to a dogma. No external deity or authority figure(s) to placare and mollify.
Religious people have an "us versus them" mentality.
Spiritual people have an openness and inclusiveness with all spiritual people.
Religious people are conservative, reactionary.
Spiritual people are progressive, accepting.
Religious people are motivated by fear and selfishness (i.e. saving one's hide and one's loved ones from Armageddon or Hellfire)
Spiritual people are motivated by love and altruism.
Religious people are credulous, gullible, willing and eafer to 'believe' even the most obvious Mythological material as scientific and historical fact.
Spiritual people are neither credulous or gullible, instead knowing Myth when they see it and therefore looking for the hidden meaning conveyed bu the Myth.
Religion is at war with science and the progression of knowledge, wishing instead to return to 'simpler' times when ignorance, fear, and superstition were supreme.
Spiritual people are at peace with science and the progression of knowledge, wishing for all to be liberated from fear, superstition, and ignorance.
Religion is about believing, having faith.
Spirituality is about knowing.
I could go on, hopefully this is enough. Jehovah Witnesses are the quintessential religionists, the Prototype, the Exemplar, of Religious people.
Now, none of this is to say there isn't bleedover from religious people to spiritual people. There are. I met two very spiritual people when I was a JW. Out of many hundreds of people I knew. I have met spiritual people who still had vestiges of religion.
These are broad generalities and one can always find exceptions. So, in general, JayDubbery is religious indeed, not spiritual.
Nate -
Hey! I think I'm spiritual!
I'm with Mrs. Jones on this... although I would give more of a 2 based on the fact that some JWs make at least a small attempt.
I think of my "spirituality" as based on my personal, internal relationship and dialouge with God. JW's are too busy fearing their headship to be able to develop any kind of true relationship with Him. Their spirituality is defined by their adherance to a set of rules and appearances, which in my opinion... is missing the point entirely.
As an organization I'd rate them as a 1 or 2. Individuals within the organization could rate higher. Obedience to rules or moral codes mean nothing if such obedience exists out of a sense of fear of reprisals. JWs seem to measure spirituality with their number of hours in service, or how thoroughly their watchtower is underlined, or how many meetings they go to. Many live moral lives because they fear shunning. Many will only pray before a meal when there is another JW there to witness the act.
Good post Nate, you saved my fingers lots of tapping.
Golf -
Great post, Nate. I had some of those ideas circling around my mind, but couldn't put them into words.
Good post. A bit on the general side, but I agree with you... generally.
AK - Jeff
Nice definition Nate. Can't disagree with much there.