here's my brother Ronny's web site... you'll see his photography work of his natural wildlife project (land which he transformed)...
Here is two bios for Ronny - you'll definitely get a sense of him from these bios and from the web site! As I told you - you'll have a hard time shutting us 3 up! LOL It won't be a boring hour!
Ronny D'Haene bio
The response to my photography has been truly inspiring to me. Watching how it has touched men and women both young and old has humbled my soul and brought me tears of joy. It has also brought hope into my life, and I pray that it will bring a little light and life to you, the viewer, as it has done to me.
A storm in my life has led to this website. We all have storms in life and this was not my first.
I share my story out of a desire to show that regardless of the strength or length of the storm, if one holds on to faith, prays for light, and patiently looks for light, God will send his light. My genetic father is a Pedophile and this was the first major storm in my life. From the age of six (I was the first child) I prayed everyday to God "Whomever, wherever you are the 'real one', please give me the strength to one day take my family away from this man".
I know now that was the shred of light I clung to. Patiently I had to wait years 'til the day he threw me out of the house, and started the ball rolling that would lead to his losing his family.
With my younger brother Donald working with me from within the home and myself finding two jobs and a house, the day finally came that we all escaped him. ('Father's Touch' is a book Donald wrote through his eyes and in his words telling of the effects of this storm and the survival of our family).
There were other storms as well. Raised and brainwashed in a religious institution, and a 'failed before it started' marriage. (If you start something wrong, you usually finish just the same).
However, the light that came out of these storms was a faith built upon unbiased information, no longer trusting the deceptions of men. As well, a relationship that started right and developed into a second marriage that our five children and seven grandchildren have seen grow stronger over the last 21 years.
I admit that there were times when it was difficult to see the light in the middle of these storms, but Proverbs says "Be still and know that I am God". Sometimes we must be more patient than we want to be to find the light we need to pull through. I believe I would have seen the light sooner had I learned to ' be still ', but alas I was an active-aholic up until the pipeline accident. This was the most devastating storm for me, for unlike other storms where I knew what or whom to fight, this storm included permanent head and back injuries that I could not fight. I was left with trusting in the true light (....'God is light.' - 1 John 1:5) and out of my darkness came the light of photography.
It is my prayer that it brings a little light and life to you as well.
To the great I AM be the glory!
Yours truly,
Ron D'Haene
John 3:16