JWs are also in the dark regarding the true meaning of Sheol/Hades.
by Schizm 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
If you were really guided by Holy Spirit then why don't you start a religion, you could be worth billions. -- jwfacts.
LOL! I didn't mean to imply my being the recipient of anything miraculous when mentioning the possibility that my success in this endeavor might have been attributable to "holy spirit". I'll have to explain the sense in which I meant that more fully sometime, but basically it has to do with having the proper state of mind. In the meantime, I have no interest at all in 'starting a religion'.
Hades is simply a Greek equivalent to SHEOL otherwise, what the "hell" are they talking about?
oh my goodness, that was the one thing I was hoping was true, that there isn't a fire burning hell. Go ahead and hit me with it
I'd be interested in reading it.
With my luck I'll probably end up there. Might as well go prepared.
Amazing Grace
Please, enlighten us. I would love to read your take on the subject.
Nathan Natas
First, my congratulations on the nice pun in your subject line, "JWs are also in the dark regarding the true meaning of Sheol/Hades"
I believe you are mistaken, however, if you assert that the Watchtower teaches that Sheol/Hades is a "literal place."
I assume that by "literal place" you mean location like "zip code 90210" or "the region of Alcyone" or "the third moon of Jupiter" or "the negative zone."
I was a Dub for more than 20 years and I can tell you that is not what I was taught. I was taught, and I believed and taught others that sheol and hades were the STATE of being dead. It is not like after you die some part of you gets up and goes somewhere else; especially since we have no "parts" to do such astral travaling with.
I'm not a Dub today, and I do not teach or defend Dub doctrine, but I will point out a mistake when I feel someone is misrepresenting what the WTS has said.
Did you want fries with that? -
Sadly, a t present the WTS seems ever-so-far away from getting its many misconceptions ironed out, and the end of man's system ( = the beginning of Christ's kingdom) will NOT come about before the necessary refinements take place. It seems to me that people who are knowledgeable enough to have a correct understanding--and who also pray Let your kingdom come (Mt 6:10)--would do well to offer their aid to the WTS in order to help the Governing Body to understand where they have erred. Lovingly doing so, such persons will surely cause Christ's long-prayed-for kingdom to come all the sooner. Have you ever thought of things in this light before--that people themselves are to have an impact on how soon Christ's kingdom comes? The international war of Matthew 24:7 will happen when Jesus is given permission to battle with Satan and kick him out of heaven, which is the true start of the "time of the end". There is no question that the timing of THAT event is totally within God's jurisdiction. But prior to that being allowed to get underway the refinement spoken of at Daniel 11:35 has to take place--an event that lies within the jurisdiction of people who truly care. Think about that for a moment ... a correction of doctrinal errors that is dependent upon persons who truly understand where errors have been made ... which have a direct bearing on the timing of the coming of Christ's kingdom. Do you know of anyone who might be interested in hurrying along the coming of Christ's kingdom ... so much so that they'd be willing to share what they know with the Governing Body?
I believe you are mistaken, however, if you assert that the Watchtower teaches that Sheol/Hades is a "literal place." I was a Dub for more than 20 years and I can tell you that is not what I was taught. I was taught, and I believed and taught others that sheol and hades were the STATE of being dead.
The WTS teaches that sheol/hades is the "common grave of mankind". WTS literature goes so far as to say that it's in the "ground". If that's not a literal place, then what is?
You've obviously been away for so long that your memory is failing you, Nathan. Either that, or you never got it right to beging with. Research the WTS library, and you'll see that I'm correct in saying the WTS sees sheol/hades as being a literal place.