hey tik thats soooo funny, thats exactlywhat i was gonna say
Hot sisters (or brothers) in your cong...
by blakky 45 Replies latest jw friends
well i was just kidding....in your case its a fact
tik you are so sweet, i didnt think you were kidding at all.
If you ever went to the beach with the friends like we did, the sisters wore a one piece bathing suit and still that was revealing compared to not seeing them like that when they were dressed at the hall.
There was a very hot sister in our congregation and I dated her one time. We went to her high-school senior prom, and she was the prom queen (chosen by her high-school class). Yeah, she was that good looking!
We really didn't have much in common (beyond the religion) and I didn't call her for another date, and she didn't seem to mind either. I haven't though about her for many years until I saw this thread. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing.
There were handsome brothers and beautiful sisters.. I don't think I knew what the term HOT really was.. till I left the dubs..