My Accomplishments As A JW Of Which I'm Proud

by Nate Merit 64 Replies latest jw experiences

  • oldflame


    Question ? What would you do if you were caught here at JWD by your elders ? What would you say to them and how would you act ? Because I know for a fact that if you were caught coming to this site you would be on the Elders hit list.

  • defd


    Question ? What would you do ; if you were caught here at JWD by your elders ? What would you say to them and how would you act ? Because I know for a fact that if you were caught coming to this site you would be on the Elders hit list. I said it before and Ill say it again. I am not worried about what the elders might think. They do not run my life. It is jehovah and Jesus who i worry about. D.

  • ithinkisee
    . 98% were lying backstabbing gossiping hypocrates. So I told my self I am not going in Service and lead ANYONE to this Hall.

    It's not just your hall .... it is 98% of the halls in the Org.

    The reason they are like this is because the FDS engenders this kind of attitude.

    They reward hypocrites and punish honest-hearted ones.

    I feel you are honesthearted and trying to get a balanced view of the WTBTS. However, if you were caught here by your elders you would be punished.

    The ones that succeed in the Org are the ones that blindly obey regardless of whether it is scriptural or not.


  • defd
    . 98% were lying backstabbing gossiping hypocrates. So I told my self I am not going in Service and lead ANYONE to this Hall.

    It's not just your hall .... it is 98% of the halls in the Org.

    The reason they are like this is because the FDS engenders this kind of attitude.

    No they do not. Show me in any article where they promote behavior such as lying backstabbing gossiping and hypocracy!


  • rebel8

    I am proud of all the JWs I told off during the last few yrs of being in the org. Very, very proud of that.

  • TopHat
    That is what being a christian is about. Following in Jesus steps. What did he dedicate his whole life doing? What did he teach his disciples to do? What did his disciples do after Jesus had died and gone to heaven? Preach, teach, and made DISCIPLES.


    Yes, That is true D....However Jesus didn't protect Pedophilies and hurt children like the WTS.

  • Enigma One
    Enigma One

    I guess by not masturbating for a long time due to JoeHoover's instructions to youths.....I did save lots of kittie cats, as everytime you masturbate God kills a kitten.

  • TopHat
    No they do not. Show me in any article where they promote behavior such as lying backstabbing gossiping and hypocracy!


    The WTS do it all the time....Just read the January 15th 2006 Watchtoer. Look at how they throw out good brothers and sisters just bacuse they question some of the back-handed doctrines of GB.

  • AuldSoul
    DefD: Nate I do not consider them ACCOMPLISHMENTS, but only as failures. Maybe that is why you are NOT a JW. A big part of being a disciple of Jesus and a worshiper of Jehovah is to PREACH, TEACH and MAKE disciples. If you, as you say, didnt even come close, than that is a failure not an accomplishment. It reminds me of the individual who BURIED his coin. It was taken away from him.

    I aided a total of five people to baptism, and the sixth was on her way to baptism when I became inactive. One is slaving at Bethel, two are ministerial slaves in local congregations. I'm 33 years old. I've been inactive for a year.

    You may be thinking that is more than my share, given the amount of time required to make one baptized publisher. You are right to think so.

    I regret every single one. Three of them won't talk to me after I DA myself, the one at Bethel and the two who are not ministerial slaves. The others will talk as though nothing has even happened, they have already vowed they won't change the relationship. I successfully woke up the sixth before it was too late.

    I have letters of recommendation according to JW viewpoints. I have helped shape the goals of dozens of young Witnesses toward spiritual things, successfully encouraging study and reliance on God. But, DefD, these are sources of shame for me now. I see that I played a part in encouraging these young people to put their trust in the sons of earthling man.

    Now, I will bend my efforts in a different direction. I have no doubt I will very successful in reaching people's hearts. I will not put my light under a measuring basket. Remember that, as you see the numbers decline in this country. That which requires 4,500 hours to make can be unmade in 24. Is God's spirit really at work with your organization, since this is true?

    In the few short months that I have been out I have brought four with me. I will bring many more. When this organization started screwing with my family and tried to make my wife think of me as bad association they created an enemy. I am angry, but it is a cold, deliberate anger. Do you think they would have me as an enemy, given the choice? Or do you think I will prove to be fighting against God?

    Not that I would ever have to make such a choice, but if God were to screw with my marriage I would be His enemy, too.

    I do believe they will come to regret how they have treated me, even if they do not specifically know what they are regretting. I will make disciples. Not disciples of me or my teachings, or of an organization and its teachings, but disciples of Christ. That is my commission and it is also what the WTS fears most.

    As they see the numbers decline and wag their head, posturing as though the love of the greater number has cooled off while claiming it spells the end of this system they will be regretful. When they close the doors of their facilities forever, they will know.

    And I will smile.


  • ithinkisee
    No they do not. Show me in any article where they promote behavior such as lying backstabbing gossiping and hypocracy!

    What TopHat said above.

    But mainly it is a "do what we say, not what we do". You will NEVER see them put it in writing.

    Def'd, it is the POLICIES that cause the backstabbing, gossiping, and hypocrisy.

    For instance:

    • When someone is DF'd, no one is allowed to know what happened or talk about it. This causes rampant speculation and gossipping.
      Yet this is opposite to the supposed "judicial action" in scripture where everything was taken before the WHOLE CONGREGATION. If it was truly taken before the WHOLE CONGREGATION there would be no speculation. Everyone would know what the deal is. So gossiping is therfore engendered in the congregation.
    • As far as hypocrisy, just look at the hypocrisy with Mexico and Malawi. Malawi JWs weren't allowed to buy a 50 cent political party card in a one-party state! Yet in Mexico the JWs could buy out (bribe) government officials to stay out of prison.
      You might not think it a big deal, but imagine if it was your wife or daughter that was raped in Malawi. Imagine knowing that IF ONLY you were in Mexico everything would be fine and you could go enjoy a Tecate or Dos Equis after your morning in field service.


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